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View Full Version : Chameleon Shot

December 18th, 2006, 23:40
Sensei (http://www.playeradvance.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5093) posted a new Virtua Cop style game for the Nintendo DS, heres the translated details:


It is about a play of shot for the DS. The originality lies in the fact that it is necessary to aim at the enemies who appear on the screen top while tapping on the screen of bottom. One thus aims at best as if there were a firearm…
The experts will have recognized the decoration of the play (a little modified) and the character with abbatre is not other than the hero of Kid Chameleon on Megadrive (I do not have anything against him, with the contraitre, I find the hero well class), of or titrates it.


First exit 18/12/2006. Version beta 0.1

How to play:

One touches the touch screen to draw on the screen the top…
One reloads with L.

Other information:

For the moment there is no Challenge.

The difficulty is badly regulated. At the beginning, the enemi seldom appears, then its appearances multiply as the score is increased. From 30, one arrives at the maximum difficulty and it is still rather easy…

On the screen of bottom, one can see the number of shootings carried out, the number of enemies abbatus and numbers it missed enemis (if that Ci recache).

I would like to center the challenge on the coefficient <tirs/ennemis abbatus> like on the number of enemis abbatus. If I arrive has corser the difficulty, I make a game over at the end of a certain number of loupés enemies. I also think of setting up a system of combos, i.e. to kill the enemies in a ball and the enchainer without drawing with with dimensions.

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December 19th, 2006, 01:23
here's a way of increasing the difficulty, and making it slightly more fun.

Use stylus/finger to point/drag at the bottom screen, and a corresponding crosshair will appear/move on the top screen. Then press L to shoot. You can add a slight random "jump" after each shot to simulate gun recoil.

Screenshot looks nice!

December 19th, 2006, 02:03
Can you reload with R, I'm left handed see ;)

If not then :'(

December 19th, 2006, 13:34
This is pretty fun. :)

I would like to see more levels, and better death animation, but he is off to a good start!