View Full Version : 53.2m Americans will own an iPad in 2012

June 13th, 2012, 00:23
That's three quarters of all Stateside tablet users.
The data from eMarketer shows Apple's iPad is still the top dog of the tablet world, as American iPad users will rise to 53.2 million this year. That's a 90 per cent increase – as existing users upgrade, and new buyers join Apple.
That said, the growth is down from the 143.9 per cent in 2011, and it's set to decline in coming years, with usage rising by under 12 per cent in 2015 when more than a third of the US web users will own one of the devices.
In comparison, the tablet market on the whole is set to reach 29.1 per cent of internet users by the end of 2012.
Interestingly, the fastest-growing tablet users will be among under-12s and over-65s, which is due to the lack of adoption seen from the generations thus far.
Results show that 54 per cent of this year's tablet use will come from men, with Asians the most likely to use the tech at 26.2 per cent.
