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View Full Version : NiGHTS for ds!

March 28th, 2005, 03:41
I loved playing this game when i was a kid, and i think that it would be a PERFECT port for the ds. Since that Katamari petition MIGHT have influenced namco into bringing the game to the ds i figured why not. yeah youre right, it probably wont work, but you owe it to youself to sign, and if it doesnt work? Well, the only thing you lose is a couple minutes of your time. so without futher ado.... http://www.petitiononline.com/NiGHTSds/petition.html

March 28th, 2005, 15:54

March 28th, 2005, 16:43
Signed! Would definatley but if came out on ds!

March 28th, 2005, 19:52
Same here

March 31st, 2005, 14:29
i would buy a ds just for this game

March 31st, 2005, 15:14
i would buy a ds just for this game

You don't have a DS? for some reason i was sure you had one, oh well just me going senile at the age of 17 again.

On topic: Signed!

March 31st, 2005, 16:54
I just don't get the point of it.
Why not ask for a port of Nights to PS2 in the Sega Ages series?
The game could benfit from Anti Alasing and high resolutions. It would make the game look absolutly stuning. Well even psp could enhance the game play.
I dont see how playing with a stylus would give you any extra control at all. PSP would make much more since because it has a super sensitive anolog stick just like the saturn 3d pads.

I know my name makes it seem like I'm anti ds but i'm not.
They'res plenty of titles i want at the moment. FF3, XenoSaga, Castlevania and, Katami damancy.

March 31st, 2005, 17:07
i have played the DS, wario and i was very impressed, but not convinced, but i think nintendo might be on to something with the touch screen. another thing is that i read far more about games that actuall play them (is that a bad thing? ) so i know alot about all the platform.... just my memory lets me down ;)

nights is not about looks, but brillant gameplay, a sequal would rule... i think the stylus would give more fulid control, + if you have play the original NiGHTS as much as i have you will know that useing either the D pad and/or anolog stick is really sore on the thumb !

March 31st, 2005, 17:10
I know the dpad sucked on your hands for Nights but I found the 3d controler extremly comfortbale. I know Nights isnt about graphics but I already own the Saturn version I dont wanna just see a plan port. I'd want enhanced graphics and maybe Seasonal mode for all the stages just like in Xmas nights.