View Full Version : Poke Pokémon with a Limited Edition stylus

December 21st, 2006, 21:04
Pokémon will be taking over the lives of fans once again when the latest in the series, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl on DS, arrives in the US on April 22 next year, and those who pre-order at participating stores will get a limited-edition Pokémon stylus.

The pre-sell styluses will feature brand-new Pokémon from the new game, but we reckon you'll have to be quick off the mark, with the inevitable high demand could render them scarce.

Players who've already poured hours of their life into training Pokémon in the GBA will be pleased to know that you will be able to transfer your winning team over to the new adventure, at some point, using the GBA slot on the DS.

A European release has yet to be announced, but if you're really desperate for it you can always import, being as DS software is - for those who don't already know - completely region-free.

via CVG (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=152814)

December 21st, 2006, 23:25
limited edition styluses and other styluses like the extendable ones are stupid. they have nothing which makes them better and probably cost more than normal styluses.

December 22nd, 2006, 05:18
limited edition styluses and other styluses like the extendable ones are stupid. they have nothing which makes them better and probably cost more than normal styluses.

Totaly agree just go to gamestop people and get a pack that brings 3 stilus and bouth screens for 5 usds. Best deal.