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View Full Version : Emulating Mac System 7 on an Android device

June 18th, 2012, 22:37
Over on the 68kmla forums, a website dedicated to old Macs built before 1994, [zydeco] released his Android port (http://68kmla.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=11650) of Mini vMac (http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/), a Macintosh Plus emulator that puts the power of a Motorola MC68000 processor and System 7 on any computer.
Unlike the original Macintosh, or the subsequent revision that bumped the RAM up to 512 kilobytes, the Mac Plus was actually useful. With the addition of a SCSI port and support for 4 Megabytes of RAM, it’s not only possible to browse the Internet, but also act as a server. There’s a reason [Sprite_tm] chose to rebuild one of these classic, all-in-one machines to act as a home server (http://hackaday.com/2010/11/04/mac-se-reborn-as-a-server-and-mac-emulator/); they really do epitomize the elegant computers from a more civilized age.
68kmla user [FlyingToaster] even went so far as to put a Mac Plus in his nook touch (http://imgur.com/a/kJRCR/all#0). With this, he’s got a full-blown installation of System 7 running on an e-ink screen, complete with Lemmings, Gauntlet, and Tetris.
It should be possible to plug this emulated box into the Internet. Unfortunately, experience tells us it won’t be a very pleasant browsing experience outsideHackaday’s retro edition (http://retro.hackaday.com/).
