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View Full Version : PSPShark CWCHEAT clone with GUI and advanced searching options.

December 23rd, 2006, 00:25
new release via agent_dark64 (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-new-release-pspshark-cwcheat-clone-with-gui-and-advanced-searching-options-84995.html)

heres what agent_dark64 had to say-

Hey all,

I'v been working very busy on a cwcheat like program for awhile now (for 6 months) and have finally come to my first beta release. It works with all devhook emulated firmware versions from 2.71 and up and it contains a GUI! which most developers thought was impossible to do due to the amount of kernel RAM (8 megs) allocated. It also supports a large number of memory searching options like "Is boolean True" and also supports an almost complete set of all c++ standard data types: unsigned int, signed int, unsigned short, signed short, unsigned byte, signed byte, unsigned float, signed float.

Future versions will have a debugger which will be as powerful as softice including full reverse engineering of the firmware.

Currently the installer will require devhook (version 1.51) to be installed, however theroreticly
it should be able to load on any firmware modification that supports loading plain PRXs from the PRX module list text files in the kd folder.

For Devhook Install:

Custom firmware has not been tested, so it may not work. Do this at your own risk, always have a way to recover your files back if it bricks, especially the pspbtcnf txt files.

Just run the installer exe and follow the on screen instructions.

For Custom Firmware Install: (note, this is untested, may not work)

NOTE: Do this at your own risk, always have a way to recover your files back if it bricks, especially the pspbtcnf txt files.

You will need to run the installer and install it for devhook (that means you should extract the devhook files on the memory stick before this if you don't have devhook installed). Next you will need to install the pspShark.prx file (after the install it will be in the (MS ROOT)/dh/05/kd/pspShark.prx) to your flash (whereever the other devhook plugin files are normally placed). You will then need to update the pspbtcnf txt files to add the pspShark.prx to boot up (BE CAREFUL OF THIS). Now when your psp boots up, you will need to have the memory stick in (the one you had in your psp when you installed pspShark) because it will have put some images in the (MS ROOT)/dh/kd/pspShark/Images/ folder and the pspShark.prx references this directly to the memory stick at this specific folder. If pspShark cannot find the images on boot (so for example, you didn't have the memory stick in the psp), the menu will be disabled and you won't be able to use pspShark, however the psp won't brick for missing images.

pspShark itself (as in pspShark.prx) does not write to the flash in any way.

download and give feedback via comment
download via agent_dark64 (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-new-release-pspshark-cwcheat-clone-with-gui-and-advanced-searching-options-84995.html)