View Full Version : Dear Sony...

December 23rd, 2006, 04:01
news via ign (http://psp.ign.com/articles/752/752312p1.html)

Hundreds of readers suggest how to make PSP more powerful in 2007. Are you listening?

December 22, 2006 - The PlayStation Portable continues grow in ability and features, with new updates and system overhauls released to enhance the system. Still, PSP owners are eager to see the system play at its maximum potential, to use all of that horsepower inside this powerful handheld system for bigger and better features. We want system-wide abilities that make gaming on PSP better and faster and more reliable, like cross-game Friend Lists and more common Game Sharing. We want multimedia that's open and that plays just about anything we can stick on a Memory Stick. We want PlayStation Store on PSP so we can download and play games and demos, just like big-brother system PS3 can do. We want PlayStation Network on PSP so we can talk with our friends on PSP (or PS3) over text, voice or maybe even video. We want developers to have the option to unlock the full 333MHz ability of the PSP, giving us peak performance for even more incredible games and features. In short, we want the PSP to be all that PSP can be.

What started as just a goof in our write-up of the new PSP v3.03 Update on what we'd like to see next time spurred a flood of emails to IGN about what readers would like to see the PSP's next system update include. Some of your ideas are out-there, while others sound completely doable in future PSP updates (and, if we wanted to get snarky about it, we could mention that some features have already been done by the PSP homebrew/hacker community, but since most PSPs lock this content out for fear of piracy, few gamers get to enjoy these unofficial PSP programs.) After the first 300 messages came rolling in, we knew we had to share these -- we also knew we had to get these ideas out there in the hopes that Sony would see what PSP owners are thinking about and pick up some of the ideas for the system.

Rather than dump a few responses in a mailbag, we gathered up out of the bag as many of the good ideas as we could find and put them together in one big, long, long, big collection of notes. (You can read all eight pages over your own choice of eight crazy nights!) And although we have no way of making Sony make any or all of these wishes and ideas come to life on PSP, we'll see about what we can do to get the list over to the SCE office in the hopes that they get an idea of what dedicated PSP owners are looking forward to happening on the system as it moves into its third year of release. Here's to hoping that we all get our PSP wishes granted in 2007...

post your http://pspmedia.ign.com/psp/image/article/751/751870/DearSony_1_RED_1166648044.gifcomments here
via ign (http://psp.ign.com/articles/752/752312p1.html)

December 23rd, 2006, 05:20
that is awesome. hopefully they'll take some of the suggestions seriously.

(not that i'll ever upgrade from 1.5, but still :P )

December 23rd, 2006, 05:37
look im after emailing sony quite a bit asking the same thing, espicialy that they embrace the homebrew scene with open arms but Sony just doesnt listin and ignors my requests. i dont eve get verifacation that they actualy read it like there sposed to do but looks like Sony has the worst customer support ever.

December 23rd, 2006, 06:56
look im after emailing sony quite a bit asking the same thing

I'm glad a big site like IGN is doing this. this is sure to get a little attention.

I'm also appreciative of maddox's last post :)

December 23rd, 2006, 07:03
Dear Sony, please allow homebrew, that's all.

December 23rd, 2006, 07:19
haha thats not gonna happen... and making psp run at 333 mhz clock speed will make battery life really low quickly, thats y they make it go at 222 mhz.

nice wish list though, i am sure that they will improve psp's abilities greatly someday :)

December 23rd, 2006, 07:57
This letter is very good, as it doesn't want Sony to allow homebrew (what will never happen), but delivers them some good ideas, what is more likely to be realised.

December 23rd, 2006, 09:13
when Sony goes non-profit, our voice is next.. :D

December 23rd, 2006, 10:06
sony is waiting for more powerfull batteries to "unlock" the 333mhz.

December 23rd, 2006, 11:18
Dear Sony,
Make the UMD Drive faster, unlock 333mhz and allow us to run whatever programs we want from the memory stick.

December 23rd, 2006, 11:29
Dear Sony,
Make the UMD Drive faster, unlock 333mhz and allow us to run whatever programs we want from the memory stick.
Dear Sony, REMOVE the UMD drive and fit a 20+GB HDD. Don't try and force people to HAVE to update when wanting to play newer games.

December 23rd, 2006, 11:37
Dear Sony, REMOVE the UMD drive and fit a 20+GB HDD. Don't try and force people to HAVE to update when wanting to play newer games.

I like that idea, but also they should make all PSP content downloadable via the internet e.g.- comercial games and PS1 games.

December 23rd, 2006, 11:39
I like that idea, but also they should make all PSP content downloadable e.g.- comercial games and PS1 games.
It wouldn't even matter if it was downloadable, The could supply the discs with an .exe file burned onto it (a la windows) and then extract to you PSP hard drive.

December 23rd, 2006, 11:47
Still if they were downloadable you could order them and get it there and then.

December 23rd, 2006, 12:33
Dear Sony,

You say that you cannot allow third party software due to the high risk of piracy, but that is a load, if your company had any respect for your customers you could easily find a way.

My suggestion is to create a type of commercial eloader were engineers can write their software and could be loaded through the loader, I also suggest making the PSP more custom to the person using it, allowing custom faceplates that allow photos to be placed under it.

Understanding that you cannot rid the UMD format so soon I suggest making the UMD Drive swappable with a HDD and giving all commercial games the ability of being copied to the HDD for convenience.

Furthermore I believe the current method of coping PSX games to the system is ridiculous I think you should allow the consumer to either you their games they already own or if not that for any reason you should be able to download the games from a common PC.

Hoping but not relying on this message making a difference,


December 23rd, 2006, 14:48
sony is waiting for more powerfull batteries to "unlock" the 333mhz.

speaking of batteries, do u think that when they find them we can buy them in stores for our current psps? or just buy them off ebay..

December 23rd, 2006, 15:02
Most of the things people asked for we already have though homebrew.

December 23rd, 2006, 15:10
Dear SONY,

Good luck with PSP2. Please just give up the fight and hand the current PSP over to the homebrew scene as too many battles have been lost so far.

Please focus on PSP2 to make it the best handheld gaming machine ever imaginable.

December 23rd, 2006, 15:40
dear sony
quit bringing out shitty, useless updates. cut all the pishy features out (keep good ones like ps1 emu) and return everyone to a slightly advanced 1.0. FULL HOMEBREW SUPPORT! add a USB plug in right stick and wahey! cheers sony

December 23rd, 2006, 15:42
psp2 would suk..... cuz now every1 will have to buy a new psp..

i just bought mine!!!

December 23rd, 2006, 16:02
The PSPstore allready exist (but a few change for easier use could be nice)

December 25th, 2006, 09:29
Sony is full of dumbasses really. If you want the psp to be more successful than the DS, all they have to do is not fight the homebrew, and make the games a bit cheaper. then they will own. I will not buy any new games for my psp, cuz I don't want to upgrade my firmware. I like my 1.5, and will continue to NOT buy any games for it as long as they are handling the homebrew 'crisis' as they do.

I love the system, and don't use pirated software on it. If people want a game, they will buy it.