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View Full Version : CWCHEAT 0.1.6 for 302OE

December 23rd, 2006, 14:45
new release via weltall (http://weltall.consoleworld.org/)

heres what weltall had to say-

Well as Dark Alex 302 OE firmware was released here it is a version made for it.
All functions works fine and it's a lot more stable than devhook (so it wasn't firmware fault...)

some things i want to clarify:
those games which crashes are caused most probably by the use of volatile memory: to resolve this i need to remake the db loading function to read the db not completely then as a temporary work around you can do one of these.
1-press L while loading your game. this will disable completely cwcheat and your game will work fine
2-if you only want to use the other functions of cwcheat (not cheating) then you can remove the db or put it as cheat1.db so you will be able to load it when not required
3-do a little db with only the problematic games and put the big db as cheat1.db and load it from menu when required and you aren't using problematic problems.
I hope to get this fixed for 0.1.7 BETA1

Then if you report a problem please tell me exactly how it happens. what are you doing, the game code, how did you install cwcheat and so on. thanks.

as for peoples putting codes in the main db i'd like to ask that they be carefull to input the things correctly without _L _S _C ect.
PSP Code (like ULJS/ULUS ecc..) => is the game id showed in the upper left part of screen in the cwcheat menu it must be complete in UPPERCASE and without spaces
Game Title => the game name not for example codelines (yes i've got them there :S)
Cheat Description => the name of the cheat
for adress and value don't delete the zeroes when you don't use the line plus please mantain the correct format for cwcheat which is hexdecimal 8 numbers and the command number as the first number in the address (for most codes)
and finally don't misuse the enabled ? if the code is a must to work then enable it else leave it disabled because enabling it will annoy users

Whats been done, and what the program does

cwcheat for Dark Alex 3.02 OE - A custum firmware.
this is a cwcheat built to work fine with 3.02OE without the presence
of devhook and with all function intact.

it has all the function of cwcheat 0.1.6.
this means that you can:
-cheat in your games (the db and the config are loaded from ms0,
if you don't have them it will still work only it will go for default
config and you will have an "empty" db)
this means that you can put a default cpu/bus clock that will be set when
loading in the config file (change the cpu clock in the menu and save the
config in the config menu) but also you will be able to change in every moment
and without touching the flash the cpu/bus frequence!!
-use remapsp to change the annoying buttons of some games
-my screenshootbmp mod which uses volatile ram to do the screenshoot stopping the
game for less than one sec!
-standard screenshoot version
-brightness changer which uses the screen button (what you use to change brightness normaly)
it works up to the 4^ level


1-copy the folders under MS_ROOT in your memory stick ROOT (which is the main folder not the PSP folder)
2-power up your psp while pressing R
3-go to advanced -> Advanced configuration
4-Enable by pressing X on Plain modules in UMD/ISO
5-select back for two times
6-Select plugins
7-Press X over cwcheat.prx [GAME] it will say ENABLED
8-exit recovery and enjoy


1-copy the dh folder to have the db and remapsp files installed in the root folder
2-go to seplugins folder and copy cwcheat.prx there
3-open game.txt with a text editor and add this line: ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat.prx
4-power up your psp while pressing R
5-go to advanced -> Advanced configuration
6-Enable by pressing X on Plain modules in UMD/ISO
7-select back for two times
8-Select plugins
9-Press X over cwcheat.prx [GAME] it will say ENABLED
10-exit recovery and enjoy

download and give feedback via comment

December 23rd, 2006, 14:55
this sounds like something cool..i think ill try this,just to add some stuff to my new firmware^_^
..and i would like to know what this exactly does??

December 23rd, 2006, 16:06
My game always freezes when i use this

December 23rd, 2006, 16:08
Very nice weltall

December 23rd, 2006, 16:09
this sounds like something cool..i think ill try this,just to add some stuff to my new firmware^_^
..and i would like to know what this exactly does??

This is a cheat device much like action replay for ps2 or gameshark. People take the time to find cheats on their own and then upload it to the main site which holds a database of all cheats available. Go to the website http://cwcheat.zioale.it/ to find out more.

Thanks for the release as it works great on VSH aswell so i can bring down the speed and turn of the screen while listening to music.

December 23rd, 2006, 16:18
I'm confused, is there a button combo that your supposed to press to get it to come up? how do you know when its loaded? I've tried it on a couple games and idk if it's loaded up. and yes i have the prx and plain modules enabled.

December 23rd, 2006, 16:28
I'm confused, is there a button combo that your supposed to press to get it to come up? how do you know when its loaded? I've tried it on a couple games and idk if it's loaded up. and yes i have the prx and plain modules enabled.

you must hold down select for a few seconds. Once you do that it should appear. If you go to settings you can change the button to another button or combo (i use right trigger and select) you should also set the screenshot button as well if you wish to use that feature. Make sure to save the settings by clicking "save as default settings".

December 23rd, 2006, 16:42
cool, thanks man

December 23rd, 2006, 17:30
Thank You!!!!!!!

December 23rd, 2006, 23:12
Edit: Alright, nevermind everything I said. It works with GTA:LCS now. I had to download it from the developer's site instead, though.

January 3rd, 2007, 18:42
quick question, Where do my cheat.db files go?
When I reload the database nothing happens, my cheats are not in the Select chetas section?
(got the cheats fromthe extreme cheats app)
I no I have probably done something stupidly wrong but it baffles me. Looks like a great app though... If I could get it to work.


January 14th, 2007, 12:19
My cheats don't come up.

January 15th, 2007, 10:33
HELP!! Menu comes up but cheats don't.