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View Full Version : Behind on the PSP scene - Need some help

December 24th, 2006, 05:40
I've had a PSP since it's came out, and I've kept 1.5 the entire time and juts used Devhook(.43(2.6)) for anything I've needed. I've decided that because of all the recent advances it would probably be good to upgrade now. I'd like to be able to use homebrew and be able to run isos from my huge collection of ps1 games. What order should I do things in? I believe that 2.71 is the standard now that people use, with some sort of devhook. All help will be greatly appreciated,

December 24th, 2006, 05:51
Upgrade to 3.02OE ASAP! The homebrew is as simple as putting it into the GAME or GAME150 folder. You can message me on AIM or MSN if you need any help. Cheers!

December 24th, 2006, 10:24
and be able to run isos from my huge collection of ps1 games. ,

ISO talk isnt allowed on the forum.

TO RUN PS1 ISO's you need the HOMEBREW ps1 emulator.3.02OE only supports Sony eboot PS1 games