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View Full Version : NintendoWare Weekly: Bomb Monkey, Marvel Pinball, VVVVVV sale

June 29th, 2012, 00:37
This is not just a great week for the 3DS eShop, but it's an important one. Last weekend, Nintendo discounted Super Mario Land temporarily; this weekend's sale on VVVVVV proves that these limited-time discounts are an actual thing. For a digital Nintendo platform, two sales is a giant leap forward.That discount is joined by a demo for Rhythm Thief, which appears to actually be coming out, and interesting new eShop games Bomb Monkey and Marvel Pinball 3D. It's not so great for the Wii this week, with absolutely no releases of any kind on the Wii Shop, but it can't all be good news.http://www.joystiq.com/2012/06/28/nintendoware-weekly-bomb-monkey-marvel-pinball-vvvvvv-sale/