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View Full Version : Smartphone users spend more time surfing the internet than making calls, reports O2

June 30th, 2012, 22:49
A new report by O2 has revealed that making calls is only the fifth-most frequent use of a smartphone.
The average user spends just 12.13 minutes a day making phone calls, yet almost 24 minutes a day browsing the internet, according to O2.
Listening to music, playing games and checking social networks all ranked higher in the report than making calls – the original intention of the mobile phone.
Here’s O2’s rundown of the activities, and the average amount of time in minutes, that smartphones are most used for:
Browsing the internet - 24.81
Checking social networks - 17.49
Playing games - 14.44
?Listening to music - 15.64
Making calls - 12.13
Checking/writing emails - 11.1
Text messaging - 10.2
Watching TV/films - 9.39
Reading books - 9.3
Taking photographs - 3.42
The average amount of time a user spends on their smartphone a day is 128 minutes.
“Smartphones are now being used like a digital ‘Swiss Army Knife’, replacing possessions like watches, cameras, books and even laptops,” says David Johnson, general manager Devices for O2 in the UK.
“While we’re seeing no let-up in the number of calls customers make or the amount of time they spend speaking on their phones, their phone now plays a far greater role in all aspects of their lives.”
