View Full Version : Android-Controlled Battle Robots Go To War

June 30th, 2012, 22:54
Let's pretend for a moment that your name is Google. You want to have lots of developers working with your stuff. So you hold aGoogle Input|Output 2012 (https://developers.google.com/events/io/) event. You have Sergey Brin showing off Google Glass (http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/12/06/29/0012220/sergey-brin-shows-project-glass-glasses-to-journalists-video), but most of your show consists of talks with titles like Integrate Web Intents into Your Web Application Today (https://developers.google.com/events/io/sessions/gooio2012/1411/) and What's New in Android? (https://developers.google.com/events/io/sessions/gooio2012/105/)... which is all great fun, but also a tadboring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boring). Luckily, somebody at Google piped up and said, "I know! We need Android-controlled fighting robots!" And they contacted the Stupid Fun Club (http://www.stupidfunclub.com/about.html), and Lo! There were Android-controlled robots fighting on the show floor, and all was right with the world.
