View Full Version : Linux picture frame serves as wireless Raspberry Pi display

June 30th, 2012, 23:05
Here’s a novel approach to adding a display to your Raspberry Pi. Instead of using a wired display — either via the HDMI (which can feed a DVI port with a simple hardware adapter) or the composite video out — [Chris Bryden] decided to use Bluetooth to provide a wireless display (http://www.cjb.im/2012/06/raspberry-pi-wireless-display-using.html). This really depends on the hardware that you have available. He snapped up a hackable digital picture frame (http://hackaday.com/2012/01/10/this-digital-picture-frame-runs-linux-better-than-you-might-think/) for a song and used the 320×240 display for this project.
You can see the USB nub plugged into the RPi in the image above. It’s a Bluetooth dongle and there’s with a matching one on the digital frame. With the two networked in such a way [Chris] got to work setting up a VNC that would let him pull up the X desktop over the network.
This ends up being one of the best uses we’ve seen for the Bluetooth protocol, and the small screen offers a huge advantage over the use of a simple character display (http://hackaday.com/2012/06/28/using-an-hd44780-character-lcd-with-the-raspberry-pi/?preview=true).
