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View Full Version : Smiths' Popstation Front 1.2.2 - No, Really this time...

December 29th, 2006, 02:51
So yeah, not final since apparently in 1.2 I wasn't actually... modifying the eboots.
Missed a HEX, I did.
This suit burns better, look.


Oh and FYI: New discovery re: Multiple games sharing mem cards.

Two games can use one "memcard1.dat" if the SLUS IDs are the same AND the "Title" is DIFFERENT.
It is not advised though... XPort tried using "one memory card for all" in his PCSXBOX for xbox and it's just far more simple to have separate files.

(For reference, I loaded Symphony of the Night, made it to a save room, then changed its Game Title and SLUS to what I was using for Jumping Flash. In Castlevania's Save Manager, it showed the upper-right block of Memory Card 1 as "Used")
By the way, in the above scenario, the savegame file in the XMB was still for Jumping Flash; a new one was NOT created for Castlevania (proof of "sharing")

Smiths' Popstation Frontend v1.2.2
Smiths, www.emuholic.com
I rise from the ashes to whip up a little thing to help out with popstation.exe

+ fixed the Modify EBOOT to -- ya know -- actually MODIFY the EBOOT :)

December 29th, 2006, 02:57
Thanks for the update !!

December 29th, 2006, 03:16
Lol. Fer realz.

Thanks you man, I searched far and wide for a good hex editor to edit the games I already had converted and help me with my save game dilema. They took forever and a day to use, then I found the last version of this earlier today. Within seconds I had edited all of my games and now had them using their own saves. Nice.

Keep up the great work man.

December 29th, 2006, 04:06
a have 5 psx games and i save(Hot shot golf 2 one)
memcard1.dat and memcard2.dat act like
virtual psx Memory cards of emulators
each with 15 block of data
all my games save and load
no problems yet

the icon change to the last game saved

December 29th, 2006, 05:09
Yep...althought I only have three games, but I haven't had any overwriting issues...all I ever did was change the icons. Once I tested it I didn't care about al this hex editing crap.

not here anymore
December 29th, 2006, 07:19
Excellent Smith!

And to make it totally equal to hexediting manually, it would require the following:

- replace prodID between 304-312 on generated PBP
- fill offset between end of title to 873 with 00 instead of space.
- fill offset between end of title to 332348 with 00 instead of space.

Is it possible?

Then MD5 would match when compared to hand made PBP (dos+hex).


one winged angel
December 29th, 2006, 10:16
well i was away for a few weeks and wanna know what popstation is what i see here is that it is a psx emu for psp how does it work? is it fullspeed for FF7:D

December 29th, 2006, 13:34
popstation is the new 3.02 OE-B FW
it is Sony's psx emu so
it full speed and sound

you must have 1.5 FW
the upgrade to 3.02-A the 3.02-B


December 29th, 2006, 14:28
lol, its the last update, no really now it is

December 29th, 2006, 14:35
So, could I just be sure...

I'm playing through FF7 that I have converted myself with the command line stuff. When I want to play the second disc, I can just convert the second disc with this tool, and take the use the fetch id/name thingy and give the second disc the same details and then go on etc.

I know that I must change the next few games I convert to their own scus nzmbers etc, but I am well on with ff7 and don't want to start again....?

Thanks, and so many thanks for all your help!

one winged angel
December 29th, 2006, 14:36
popstation is the new 3.02 OE-B FW
it is Sony's psx emu so
it full speed and sound

you must have 1.5 FW
the upgrade to 3.02-A the 3.02-B


wow:eek: :eek: :eek: and 3.02-a is it like 2.71 se btw can i upgrade from 2.71 se-c to 3.02-b?

December 29th, 2006, 15:07
3.02-OE a then 3.02-OE B

December 29th, 2006, 17:29
Wow a lot of these nice little apps being released. This one seems to be the best so far.

Question, if I used the previous version to convert a game, do I need to now reconvert them with this? Or should it be fine?

December 29th, 2006, 21:22
the conversion thing hasn't changed. if you've made a disc 1 with this tool in the past, making a disc 2 with the latest (last?) version will result in a compatible file just fine.

December 29th, 2006, 21:34
When I want to play the second disc, I can just convert the second disc with this tool, and take the use the fetch id/name thingy and give the second disc the same details and then go on etc.

Exactly that.

1) Have FF7 disc 2's ISO ready to go
2) load up the program and do the "FETCH" mode on Disc 1's EBOOT.PBP
3) select Disc 2's ISO
4) select popstation location
5) make it!

December 29th, 2006, 22:05
Exactly that.

1) Have FF7 disc 2's ISO ready to go
2) load up the program and do the "FETCH" mode on Disc 1's EBOOT.PBP
3) select Disc 2's ISO
4) select popstation location
5) make it!

Well Final Fantasy VII's 3 discs each have a distinct disc ID.

Disc 1 = SCUS94163
Disc 2 = SCUS94164
Disc 3 = SCUS94165

So can you also give each separate disc its own "SCUS" number or will that screw up the save file from working?

December 29th, 2006, 23:35
it'll screw it up if you don't change the eboot, but if you do "fetch id" it'll have whatever you put for ff7's firstCD (reading it from the eboot)

they all have to be the same scus/slus (ID)
that's basically all that matters...
disc 2 must have same ID/title as disc 1, etc.

December 30th, 2006, 01:50
u might wanna check out this frontend too:

maybe you guys could work together ;)

December 30th, 2006, 02:01
Thanks smiths!!

December 30th, 2006, 02:02
Well Final Fantasy VII's 3 discs each have a distinct disc ID.

Disc 1 = SCUS94163
Disc 2 = SCUS94164
Disc 3 = SCUS94165

So can you also give each separate disc its own "SCUS" number or will that screw up the save file from working?

No. For multiple disc games like Final Fantasy, give every disc the same disc I.D.

I just finished disc 1 of FFIX, Before playing I gave it a Disc I.D of SCUS90001 . I just converted DISC 2 with the exact same ID using the handy "Fetch Eboot" tool which Smiths included .... and voila... it found my save game from disc 1 with no bother what so ever :D

This is definitly the only tool im using for multiple discs and altering I.Ds , it does the job very well :thumbup:

EDIT : BTW Sorry for the double post . . . is it me or is DCEMU abit slow tonight? or is my browser mucked up as usual?

one winged angel
December 30th, 2006, 14:21
what do i have to do get my own icons and music to work with this version of popstation? pbp unpacker doesnt work:confused: :confused: :confused:

December 30th, 2006, 18:21
what do i have to do get my own icons and music to work with this version of popstation? pbp unpacker doesnt work:confused: :confused: :confused:

Just place your Icons, background and AT3 files in the popstation folder :)
They will be added to the eboot automatically.