View Full Version : Android controlled monitor stand uses marbles as ball bearings

July 7th, 2012, 10:26
[mobile_earth_explorer] sent in an Instructable he put together documenting an Android-controlled rotating monitor stand (http://www.instructables.com/id/Smartphone-Controlled-Wood-Stand/?ALLSTEPS) he built.
The stand itself is three disks turned on a lathe out of a 18mm thick board. After turning these disks, [mobile_earth_explorer] hopped over to his bench grinder and made a semicircular tool to carve out the track for the ball bearings.
Once the disks could rotate freely on each other, the only thing left was to carve out a space for the servo, Arduino, a pair of pots, and the wiring. The pots control the maximum speed of the monitor stand as well as provide a manual rotation control for when your phone is across the room.
[mobile_earth_explorer] wrote the Android app so up to five of these swiveling monitors can be controlled by just one Arduino; yes, that might be overkill for home or office use, but we’re sure it would be highly useful for some sort of presentation.
You can check out a few videos going over the conception and construction of [mobile_earth_explorer]‘s monitor stands after the break.