View Full Version : Spark 360 for Android also now Free; on latest authentication errors

July 8th, 2012, 22:36
In version 5.18, I added an improved cookie handler to mitigate the tons of warnings spewed out by the Apache HTTP stack as a result of Live’s usage of non-standard expiration dates. The change worked great on just about every emulator and device, but as I found out later, it failed spectacularly on all non-US devices, preventing log-ins for basically everyone outside the States.
With help, I was able to finally narrow down the problem to a localization issue, and 2 releases later, 5.21 fixes log-ins on non-US devices.
The other news is that Spark 360 is now free on Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.akop.bach); though it may be a short while until the pricing change propagates.
