View Full Version : Anonymous claims it supplied WikiLeaks with 'Syria Files'

July 10th, 2012, 21:39
Members of the Anonymous hacktivist group have claimed that they provided 2.5 million Syrian emails to WikiLeaks.
A group calling itself Anonymous Op Syria published a press release saying that its members hacked into multiple domains and servers in Syria, obtaining emails, which were then passed on to WikiLeaks.
As of last Thursday, WikiLeaks began revealing sections of the ‘Syria Files’ to selected media partners.
There were no specific details of how the hack to place, but the press release states that the Op Syria team comprises of members of Anonymous Syria, AntiSec and the Peoples Liberation Front.
The group says it has been assisting activists in Syria since protests began against to Syrian regime and Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad.
“Anonymous has watched with deep satisfaction the recent public disclosure of over two million emails belonging to the evil Assad regime and related companies in Syria. Anonymous has been assisting the protesters in Syria since the first week of their revolution over a year ago, and we are grateful to see such a mighty blow dealt to the Assad regime,” reads the press release.
In an instant message exchange with Wired.com, one group member explains that the Syrian emails were given to WikiLeaks after an unsuccessful attempt to make a deal with Al Jazeera English.
This is not the first time Anonymous has given sensitive data to WikiLeaks, back in December the hacktivist group passed on five million emails from private security firm Stratfor, which WikiLeaks published under the name The Global Intelligence Files.
