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View Full Version : Problem with PopStation saves (no, not that one)

December 30th, 2006, 21:17
I think I may have solved this myself but just to confirm:

I can start games fine. However if I have a single save for any PopStation game they won't load and I just get an error message.

However when I moved it to my other, smaller, memory stick that had nothing on it, the games could then load with saves.

I tried searching for this but I always end up with the same problem about overwriting and game IDs rather than this save game problem.

So why will it work on my other mem stick? Is it the lack of any homebrew on it or some other random reason.

Thanks for your help.

December 30th, 2006, 21:25
Did you format the memory stick or have you been using it like that for a while? It might have something to do with the cluster sizes getting messed up. Try backing up everything then formatting and trying fresh. Then put your stuff back on...

Worth a shot at least.

December 30th, 2006, 21:52
I added an emulator (DGen if you must know) to the 1GB stick that I confirmed to be working with PopStation games (can load with a save game in the SAVEDATA folder) so I guess it must be the stick. This is actually great news, I was thinking that I would only be able to have my emulators and stuff on one stick and PSX games on the other which would have been a major pain.

I'll do what you said and format the 4GB stick now. It is prone to creating a lot corrupt files but I don't know if that's because of the stick itself, if it's normal for 3.02 OE, or because I have bad luck putting homebrew on it (DGen causes me a lot of trouble, I may have to just ditch it and go back to PSPGenesis which I used when I have 2.80 and xLoader).

I'll report back with my findings in a minute.

December 30th, 2006, 22:38
Damn... I reformatted and it still doesn't work.

It's a longshot but I'll try a different game as I made the one I just tested but I also have two pre-made ones as well.

December 30th, 2006, 23:10
Took me ages... and it still didn't work. What's wrong with it? Is it my stick?

December 31st, 2006, 20:43
I managed to get around it using CWcheat. I know nobody here really cares, but I wanted to post the solution in case anyone else has the same problem and it hasn't been answered elsewhere on the net.