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View Full Version : We flashed a ds lite, now it doesnt have all the light settings it used to. HELP!

December 31st, 2006, 03:06
ok, so i flashed my friends ds lite for him (only because he wanted me to!). i used flashme version 7 firmware (we think), and downloaded from ndshb.com (the link circled in red in the picture below)


now, it says it is flashme version 7, but they aren't quite sure.

Anyways, we downloaded it, and installed it onto my friend's ds lite.... it worked perfectly, except for the problem that it didnt update the firware right. Now, his ds lite only has 2 light settings... no light at all, or brightest. also, when you insert MKDS, at the very beginning it says "YAHOO!" instead of "HERE WE GO!" like other ds lites do.

we are really in a pickle here, and we were hoping that you guys could possibly help us fix it. is there any way of reflashing the ds lite to get the firmware to be ds lite firmware again??

thanks for all the help.

December 31st, 2006, 03:49
Hm try downloading it from DCEmu and then re-flashing it, if that doesnt work try flashing the original firmware

December 31st, 2006, 04:58
how do i flash the origional firmware for the ds lite?

December 31st, 2006, 07:15
i had this problem

there's 2 different v7 firmware, the only way to tell is by size alone

do a google search for Flashme v7 for DS Lite

once you find it, it's file size should be around 500 or so kb's, not 200kb's

don't reload the original firmware, it WILL disaplbe some of the ds's capabilities, just reflash it with the proper fimware

i'll try to find the site with the proper firmware for you ^_^

December 31st, 2006, 17:18
so shrinex, are you saying to reflash the ds lite with origional firmware? or the flashme firmware version 7, that takes up 500kb or so... im confused a bit on what you are telling me.

December 31st, 2006, 18:53
reflash the firm with flashme v7 that's 500kb, if you reflash with the original firm, the ds will not have all the capabilities that it should

sorry about the confusion

December 31st, 2006, 19:33

that's the link that takes you to the download

jsut hit the free and wait minute to download

it includes 3 different versions, noflashme, flashmev7 and flashme stealth (one that doesn't gets rid of the health and warning screen)

you can try to flash the original firm back, but i just say flash this version of flashme

if you would notice with the flashme.nds file, it's 526kb's, this is the correct version

this version can also be used with the phat nds, certain versions of the phat nds can support the 4 lvl brightness


January 1st, 2007, 16:50
Thanks alot Shrinex, this was a BIG help. rep+

February 4th, 2007, 14:18
there are some negatives by flashing your DS.On some DS's you lose the ability to recalibrate your DS touch screen.

February 4th, 2007, 17:29
no you dont.

February 7th, 2007, 14:29
How do you explain how my DS Lite lost its calibration soon after I installed flashme stealth.I can access the calibration screen.You just cant one half of the screen which is always the right side.Not all DS have this problem I 've read only certain cases.I also have a feeling that you cant replace your touch screen with a new one when your DS is flashed.I might be wrong

February 8th, 2007, 00:36
one of my ds's was not flashed, i never messed around with the screen calibration, and later the calibration was messed up.
not because of flashing it.

February 9th, 2007, 02:09
yes, you can replace the touch screen, i've done it several times, i've also flashed several ds lites and none of them lost thier recalibration. it could be that the screen is loose out of socket, dunno how that happened, but it happens often.
did you flashed the pink or black ds lites? cause i have never flashed one of those before.

i've heard of the recalibration getting alitte screwed when trying to flash the original firmware back onto the ds, not by flashing flashme stealth

February 11th, 2007, 13:26
No I flashed a lite blue.