View Full Version : iOS 6 Beta 3 Jailbroken Already

July 19th, 2012, 01:18
Apple launched the iOS 6 Beta 3 (http://apple.slashdot.org/story/12/07/16/197238/apple-releases-ios-6-beta-3-for-developers) just a couple of days back, and the redsn0w team has given out a jailbreak (http://paritynews.com/software/item/66-ios-6-beta-3-jailbroken-already) for the latest version of iOS 6 already. The only downside is that this is a tethered jailbreak (http://blog.iphone-dev.org/redsn0w-iOS6), which means you will have to make sure your phone is connected to the computer whenever you need to reboot it.