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View Full Version : Startup Turns Fixing Your Grandma's PC Into a Game

July 21st, 2012, 22:26
As companies like Reddit and Foursquare have shown, Internet users enjoy earning points in arbitrary social games. So why not apply that competitive motivation to something useful, like cleaning up the world's PCs? A startup called Jumpshot is raising funds (http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/07/20/startup-jumpshot-turns-pc-security-into-a-game-awarding-karma-points-for-malware-removal/) to launch a new, friendlier form of computer security. Jumpshot is still in its infancy, but it seems to have excited plenty of users with its potential: The company launched a Kickstarter project (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thejumpshot/jumpshot-a-new-weapon-to-battle-pc-frustration) and almost immediately raised nearly three times its funding goal."
