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View Full Version : Is there any place to get official analog nub caps?

January 2nd, 2007, 23:51
Hello, long ago I lost my original analog nub (when I switched over to a now broken, crappy 3rd party version) and I was wondering if there is possibly any place to buy an OFFICIAL analog nub cap?

Or at least a 3rd party offering that's as good or better?


January 3rd, 2007, 00:42
The SONY STORE (thats the actual shops name) man you can find them in malls and such

also u can buy of the internet if you want

January 3rd, 2007, 04:18
Yeah I already looked at the Sony Store website, and found no analog nubs. Also, the only ones I've found online have been the really crappy 3rd party company versions. I just want an official analog nub, and doing a search for "PSP official analog nub" comes up empty.

January 3rd, 2007, 05:49
theres onehttp://shop.brando.com.hk/pspanalogstickreplacement.php
and heres all STOCK parts 100% http://www.xboxrepairguide.com/repair-parts-sony-c-22_54.html?page=2&sort=2a&osCsid=4c51d9e1a107d9437c2033226f5edce6