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View Full Version : Sean Hannity Loves the Wii

January 3rd, 2007, 02:17
via kotaku (http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/wii/sean-hannity-loves-the-wii-225546.php)

I listen to a lot of talk radio when I am in the car ever since my iPod was stolen, and on my way home from work my local station broadcasts god-loving conservative Sean Hannity. On today's show a caller asked him if he had gotten all the toys he wanted for Christmas. Hannity claimed that during the first day of his vacation his son broke his leg skiing, so they spent the rest of the time inside playing the PS3 and the Wii. Note this was the last time he mentioned the PS3.

He continued, saying (paraphrasing here) that every parent needs to get a Wii to play with their children, adding that it was probably the best game they've ever made. He went on to praise all aspects of Wii Sports, especially the boxing.

So even conservative talk show hosts, historically harsh on the video game issue (Bill O'Reily and Michael Savage in particular, though I think Savage is less conservative and more bats**t insane), can't resist the sweet siren song of Wii Sports. Now all we need to do is get Shock J. Tampon to bowl a few rounds and we can take over the world.