View Full Version : LUAPong

January 4th, 2007, 17:26
My two-player Ping Pong game is to be released after I finish a few extra things.Does anyone have any Ideas.
Things i've already took into consideration:
-1Player Mode.

I also thank Splodger15 for cleaning it up.:thumbup:

January 4th, 2007, 17:56
Loading screen would be a good effect.
Possibly a choice to select the table.
And the game in Eboot format

Here is the code for a sceenshot.
Just change the Button from square to something you want it as.Or you can leave it as square

if pad:square() then

January 4th, 2007, 18:45
Loading screen would be a good effect.
Please, please, please do not put a loading screen purely for effect reasons. Only use a loading screen if you need to show the progress of something that is actually loading. Eg loading multiple images in one go.

January 4th, 2007, 19:11
Hey yaustar, is it possible to make LUA draw a circle for you (i know it can draw squares/rectangles, but not sure about circles)

If so, having a ball colour selector could be a neat little extra

January 4th, 2007, 21:17
Thanks, Keep It Coming.

January 4th, 2007, 21:51
Fixed the postions.