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View Full Version : Games responsible for terror attacks?

January 4th, 2007, 18:54
via gamesradar (http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/xbox360/game/news/article.jsp?sectionId=1006&articleId=200701041579656062&releaseId=20060310114456640079)

A video posted on YouTube titled Moral Kombat is set to become a controversial forum topic - a trailer for the first full-length film documentary to tackle the videogame violence debate head-on, featuring none other than game-obsessed lawyer Jack Thompson.

According to the film's maker, Spencer Halpin (quoted on the Apple Pro/Video website), his aim is to show that "consumers need access to information about the content of games so they can make their own decisions about what to buy". Which seems a bit of a non-starter given organisations already exist to do just that (the BBFC and PEGI age rate games in the UK and the ESRB have a similar advisory role in the US).

From the look of the trailer it's all a bit alarmist, with one memorable sequence suggesting that videogames were in some way to blame for the World Trade Center attack. How? The pilots learned how to fly the planes by 'playing' a flight simulator, obviously. As you might expect, background footage is a roll call of famous game scapegoats including Manhunt, Grand Theft Auto and Hitman.

Despite high production values, and a balanced approach promised (the film includes interviews with videogame apologists as well as the likes of Jack Thompson), we can't imagine any major movie studios will want to sign up Halpin's film, given their close relations with videogame film and TV licences, many of which contain violent content. Good job, then, that Halpin has made the film without profit in mind. Instead he's going to donate all the money it makes to a kidney research foundation.

Check out the
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIu3JMGxk3Qand let us know what you think.

January 4th, 2007, 20:49
this is so stupid. games dont make people kill people.

Real guns don't have analog sticks.
The people learning the flight simulator for 911 weren't learning it for fun, they had the idea already in motion. A 9 year old boy playing halo isn't playing so he can go shoot up his school, he's playing because he's being entertained; just like movies entertain. If you really want to latch onto something and find a scapegoat for bad parenting, ban BB guns.exactly how i feel about this.

January 4th, 2007, 21:01
From the look of the trailer it's all a bit alarmist, with one memorable sequence suggesting that videogames were in some way to blame for the World Trade Center attack. How? The pilots learned how to fly the planes by 'playing' a flight simulator, obviously.
.. OH YEAH .. We all know that we can actually get enough training and experience to fully understand the workings of an airplane through a flight sim. Come on. Yes you can get some "simulation" experience, but real world things are much different. All games are designed to give an experience. Yes we learn things. Yes there is violence sometimes. Yes there may be language factors. All these things are screened by a rating system that is already in place. As far as getting enough knowledge to actually maintain a weapon and use it with pinpoint accuracy to kill someone because i play first-person shooters is silly. Just look at America's Army, the game developed for and used by the government to train soldiers. They have stated that they use the product to teach group movements and teamwork and that by playing the game you can't learn anything vital. There it is straight from our own government. For things like the Columbine incident. Blame should be put on our weak society NOT video games. The reason incidents like that happen are because of neglect, abuse (at home or from peers), and other worldly problems that cause nice people to crack with all the pressure. We get all this flak from organizations and other people saying video games are evil. They say that video games cause people to kill. I think it is them. When I hear these sorts of things I feel like stringing them up by a rope, or destroying an organization that makes these claims. I don't, but I am more inclined to do something like that because of them rather than video games!

Sorry for the long rant, but I feel that it is more towards the truth than what is trying to be portrayed.

January 4th, 2007, 21:05
Yes i agree people need to get a life and get the dang fact in there head that video games are here to stay whether that old guy from the beginning likes it or not he's almost kicked the bucket anyway why does he care so much.

January 4th, 2007, 21:06
Yes i agree people need to get a life and get the dang fact in there head that video games are here to stay whether that old guy from the beginning likes it or not he's almost kicked the bucket anyway why does he care so much.

January 4th, 2007, 22:22
Uhhh... First Doom, then Quake, then various FPS, and now GTA and other violent games getting attacked.

It's a f*cking game, get real!

January 4th, 2007, 22:25
videos, movies, peers, neighbour hoods, parents or lack of, and video games have all been blamed for violent acts. violent people have been around long before technology.

Its a mental issue.

January 4th, 2007, 22:39
dude, basic figures... half of america plays video games... ok, so what percentage of that becomes a psychopathic killer?
and how many psychopathic killers DON'T play video games?

video games dont make killers, at worst they give ideas to people who are already a bit ****ed in the head,
if violent games made killers, then i would be one crazy assed homicidal maniac, with a complete backing crew of fellow homicidal maniacs killing everything and everyone in sight... now thats just not happening...

but i suppose using games a scapegoat is a shitload easier then working on a national mental health program to get these actual psychos off of the streets

and as for games as a training device... has anyone actually shot a real gun? because if u havnt, let me tell u... moving a mouse or analog stick and clicking or pressing X is EXACTLY the same! its amazing how proficient you can become by playing doom! (which has ridiculous auto aim may i add, vertical aiming is automatic (just like real life :P)

January 4th, 2007, 23:11
I saw a documentry about this that clearly states that the two towers was not done by torrorists... it was done by the government of america. bombs being planted at the bottom of the buildings was because america wanted to kill Saddam, all because of a stupid trade agreement that did not work, ( i think it was about oil of something ). i dont know witch of the two sides to belive.

January 5th, 2007, 00:12
I saw a documentry about this that clearly states that the two towers was not done by torrorists... it was done by the government of america. bombs being planted at the bottom of the buildings was because america wanted to kill Saddam, all because of a stupid trade agreement that did not work, ( i think it was about oil of something ). i dont know witch of the two sides to belive.

:rofl: I saw that on an episode of South Park

January 5th, 2007, 00:55
I rarely play videogames at all nowadays, but I used to play a lot of violent videogames before. And I would kick up another one any minute if I felt like it, though I am CERTAIN videogames have negative and positive impacts on us. First off one should ask, why are humans more interested in playing games where you rip the head off of someone than jumping around with Super Mario? And if you claim games don't affect you, then why do you play it?
Of course it affects you, though not only positively.

Every gamer talk about all the positive things about games, and I'd probably agree on a lot, but why do you absolutely refuse to see the negative ones? There's like nothing negative at all about videogames according to you, but why wouldn't there be bad things about it? Drug addicts wouldn't initially say there's anything wrong with heroin, though everyone from the outside knows this clearly.

There are the obvious negative aspects of videogames like obesity and generally bad health if you play all day and eat junkfood. The human body is evolutionary still in the stone ages, we're not meant to sit still for hours upon hours watching a screen, it undoubtedly does have a physically bad affect on us.

And when it comes to violent games that you play all day, it has to have some sort of affect on us, and why would it logically only be a positive one? Sure, I haven't done any studies, but neither have you.
Playing an hour or two a day probably isn't too bad for us, but you guys can't use that excuse because most of you here probably play between 5-8 hours a day, right?

January 5th, 2007, 02:20
I saw a documentry about this that clearly states that the two towers was not done by torrorists... it was done by the government of america. bombs being planted at the bottom of the buildings was because america wanted to kill Saddam, all because of a stupid trade agreement that did not work, ( i think it was about oil of something ). i dont know witch of the two sides to belive.

You're sort of right - but take note of this post.

A black op. division of Government did carry it out - it wasn't down to Bush, haha. Although Chaney did have direct involvement.

911 was an inside job, simple. We shouldn't insult our own intelligence by not figuring this thing out.

We live in a world of Government Sponsered Terror.
84% of Americans in a recent scientific poll (http://www.angus-reid.com/polls/index.cfm/fuseaction/viewItem/itemID/13469) did not believe the US Government had told the truth about 9/11. Well done to those people.

Telling the truth 16%

Hiding something 53%

Mostly lying 28%

Not sure 3%"

Take your time but Watch all these video's. And tell everyone you know. Really.





Don't give me any hassle over this. I am a very sensible, sane person with alot of education and I am not just doing this for fun. It's serious.

And YES, blaming games is ridiculous but I expect it.

January 5th, 2007, 02:58
Um, actually I believe the Hijackers during 9/11 actually went to flight school, albeit briefly...

And flight simulators are, perhaps, the least violent games out there, why attack them?

Hell why attack video games at all? Because Jack Thompson is a ****ing asshole, with nothing better to do.

January 5th, 2007, 06:15
um, f*ck them? the terrorists went to a friggen flight school. why not blame the fricken school then. jack thompson sucha tard, pisses me off

Cap'n 1time
January 5th, 2007, 07:04
um, f*ck them? the terrorists went to a friggen flight school. why not blame the fricken school then. jack thompson sucha tard, pisses me off

Yes. You know what I notice. It is the schools fault. Those kids at columbine wouldnt have brought those guns to school if no school existed right? Same goes for flight school. 9/11 would never have happened if flight schools didnt exist.

These above statements I feel are more logical than Jack the jackass Thompson's theory on how video games make you violent because he would agree that not all violent games trigger violent behavior in children and even still removing all violent games will not rid the world of crime.

However simply by removing these educational facilities these violent crimes would never have happened correct?

At the end of the day Jack Thompson is just your average lawyer... no, worse... a conservative Christian lawyer. He gives a shit not whether the companies exist or if a kid kills another kid or why this child might do that. He is in it for the green. How can i back this idea? Take a look at some of the moronic suggestions hes made in the passed. Things a person with common sense would never do such as forcing kids to say that they play violent video games after they commit a crime, even though most of these kids suffer from psychological disorders such as depression its always the video games fault. Forget the fact that the child lives with bad examples in their homes, have drug and alcohol problems, or have other mental disorders its always the video games fault.

This ******* figures he can milk this thing forever as he can every now and again weasle his way into winning some cash for himself. Meanwhile no one takes him seriously so it's an endless supply of cash income for him.

What a jack ass.

January 5th, 2007, 17:12
The president actually signed 'order W199i' which prevented the suspects from being picked up by decent FBI agents.
The manager at the flight school said they didn't even qualify to fly a small 2 man plane, never mind know anything about a Boeing 757.

Some of the "alleged" hijackers were also "trained" at air force bases.
I say "trained" because they didn't even gain enough experience to be able to fly in a straight line in ANY plane, nevermind the spectaculer moves they supposedly carried out on 757.

The airforce/flight school attendance story is just to cover the fact that those planes were set on an automatic flight path and the Hijackers were set-up. They were actually working as part of a government terror "drill" which was eventually admitted to be happening at the exact same time. Little did they know that they were actually taking part in a "flase flag" terror attack.

Anyway, I could talk for hours and hours about this.
Seriously, just watch the vid's on my previous posts.

January 5th, 2007, 18:44
*rolls eyes*

January 5th, 2007, 21:45
This thread has strayed off topic. Please, we must be conscious of these serious dangers in our modern society and not drift into discussions of conspiracy theories.
I know many of you are from the UK and Europe, so you are not yet aware of these subtle dangers like videogames. The next of these dangers can be prevented! It has already overtaken much of the United States! Beware of the spread of obesity! You must act before it is too late. Please, if you value your country, society, and freedom take action NOW and ban spoons.

January 5th, 2007, 22:40
Well it actually is a pretty serious issue and considering videogaming is so widespread it'd be stupid not to analyze it's affects, right? Or maybe you're "spoon-fed" :)

The reason no one will take that documentary seriously, is due to it's bashing nature. Everything about videogames can't be bad, people wouldn't use it if everything about it was bad. People wouldn't use heroin or cocaine if everything was bad about it. It's just more obvious what's good and bad about drugs than videogames. And if you don't even mention the positive affects, no one will take the criticism seriously.

January 6th, 2007, 00:02
This thread has strayed off topic. Please, we must be conscious of these serious dangers in our modern society and not drift into discussions of conspiracy theories.

I know many of you are from the UK and Europe, so you are not yet aware of these subtle dangers like videogames..

Firstly, If you took yourself seriously you really shouldn't dismiss the issue as a "conspiracy theory". It's amazing how many people throw around those two words as some sort of attempt to show someone as slighty 'odd' or 'whacky'. That's exactly the attitude that has passed on to people by the media. If only more people cared enough to actually take notice of what really is going on.

Secondly, Yes, I agree this thread has moved off topic but what is this comment supposed to mean - "I know many of you are from the UK and Europe, so you are not yet aware of these subtle dangers like videogames.." ???