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View Full Version : PS3: E3 Team to release All eboots for free as well as decryption keys

August 7th, 2012, 00:23
E3, the team behind the E3 flasher (a tool to downgrade PS3s), announced today via ps3hax that they will release soon a series of new ps3 game eboots to run on hacked ps3s, as well as the keys for people to get the games themselves from official discs.

PS3 game blu rays are encrypted, and it is impossible to run a backup without decrypting it first (that’s a simplified explanation, but let’s go with this for now).

Some hackers have found ways to either decrypt recent games (i.e. they are in possession of the decryption keys for recent games), or get decrypted versions of the games (some rumors say these teams might have access to private forums where debug – understand non retail – versions of the games are exchanged or sold). This was the case of the people behind the True blue dongle, for example.

Until now, that secret was well protected, as the people who know these decryption keys basically decrypted the games, encrypted them again with a new key, and then sold pirated copies (indirectly, by selling people dongles that decrypt the new key). The secret is therefore worth lots of money. It seems E3 is here to completely disrupt this market, by simply providing the key for free.

This comes as a huge surprise, as they had announced a few weeks ago that they were planning to come up with their own dongle mechanism.

•Related read: Will E3 team defeat True Blue?

Did they back up given the criticism a new dongle would have received? Did they give up on creating a dongle secure enough that they wouldn’t see clones popping up all over the place? Is it because of the new CEX to DEX hack that made dongles useless? Is this just a publicity stunt? Or do they have a bigger plan in mind?

It could very well be the latter, as they stated they are building a new system for people to get access to this gift. It could be an ad-supported website, or something similar.

•Related read: 3.6+ “backups” possible on DEX hack: the cat is out of the bag

The E3 team emphasized that all of this will be free, and it will be ready within a couple months. Below is their full statement:

Great news from E3TEAM

We announced in advance last week that E3TEAM will release a great news for all ps3 user.
Here is our official claim :

1: E3TEAM will release all ps3 game free in public .It allow any 3.55CFW play all the new game without dongle.
Just like the free eboot released by E3TEAM before.

2: E3TEAM will release the new key free in public . User can decrypt the new game by himself in few seconds .

Please note all the release will be free with NO pay .

E3TEAM are building a full new system to release those free gift . We expect user can join this sytem to
get what they want after 1-2 month. We will release more news about this system later.

(PS: all is for downgradable console )

What do you think is E3′s masterplan here?
