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View Full Version : Gekko Video Plugin Update 2

January 6th, 2007, 01:33
Gamecube Emulator for Windows WIP News update from Shizzy (http://www.emutalk.net/general-gc-emulation-discussion/39658-gekko-video-plugin-update-2-a.html)

Some progress since I started the new video plugin for Gekko, about a month ago. As of right now, it's dubbed a "wireframe plugin" - however it's just as capable of rendering faces (I just choose to debug in wireframe mode). No textures are implemented yet, and I have not concentrated to much on vertex colors, although some formats are indeed implemented.

It is very functional, however something is not right causing mostly all commercial games to crash. Havn't quite figured it out yet, but I know it's because of bugs in parsing the fifo.
