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View Full Version : Project Scorpian Revealed: Halo Zero to Come!!! ( WIP )

January 7th, 2007, 02:34

As some of you may know my mod site got changed to a new team site called "Team MAYH3M" representing 3 teams working as one ( Demon Designs, Zion Prouctions and a new team called Venom Productions )

We are working hard to bring you a little something that alot of you have been begging for, for some time now

Halo Zero for PSP :D

We have alot of main stuff done ( animation, shooting, button combinations, ect ) and are still working on lots of other things ( live action cut scenes, AI, and some others )

We will continue giving updates to what we are doing and what percentage is completed at http://pspdemon.dcemu.co.uk/ in the right hand bar youll see a Progress Report.

I do hope you will enjoy the screenshots :)


Thanks for Everything,

PS would like to tell you whos who on the project :)

Demon Designs:
Lead GFX: PSPdemon
Zion Productions:
Coder: Zion
Venom Productions:
Lead Coder: JmanUmmKay ( V3N0M )
Coder: Jman420
Coder: Dawd
Coder: Spldgr

Thanks to All Beta Testers so far!

Special Thanks to Dobermann for allowing us to do this. MUCH is appreciated :)

Give Feedback/More Screenshots Via Comments

January 7th, 2007, 02:35
YEY.... totaly supriseing

January 7th, 2007, 02:36

January 7th, 2007, 02:38
how this looks really good!

Great work you guys! Im ashamed i missed out on being apart of the project :o

January 7th, 2007, 02:38
...... Looks nice JP :)

Still a downer knowing Project Scorpian wasnt actually a game :(

******* -.-

January 7th, 2007, 02:40
Thank you all for the great feedback! Oh and one note, I will be having my name changed to V3N0M to represent my new gaming productions.

January 7th, 2007, 02:44
OH.... good for u jman coming out of hideing.... :)

January 7th, 2007, 02:44
/me slaps Vendeta

January 7th, 2007, 02:48
Thank you all for the great feedback! Oh and one note, I will be having my name changed to V3N0M to represent my new gaming productions.

it looks great, i think coder status is definitly in order!

Good luck with a official release, wish i was apart of it all :)

January 7th, 2007, 02:48
That looks great. Cant wait to play it.

January 7th, 2007, 02:58
Great job this came out of no were keep it up guys. :D

January 7th, 2007, 03:02
I KNEW IT! but its great to see that its comin along :)

January 7th, 2007, 03:03
wow looks good. cant wait to try it out!

January 7th, 2007, 03:29
It does look really great! I can't wait to see what it turns out to be!

January 7th, 2007, 03:45
You should protect it with the new compiling tool for the lua scripts ;).

January 7th, 2007, 03:48
cool cant wait for it guys

January 7th, 2007, 04:08
thoght this wuz gonna looks like quake.............yeah but it does look great!! lol

January 7th, 2007, 04:11
You should protect it with the new compiling tool for the lua scripts ;).

Ya I heard about that new tool too. I will look into it, Thanx for the tip! :cool:

January 7th, 2007, 04:13
lol i love this game ive got in on me PC i cant wait to play....mmm multiplayer would be awesome on this!!

January 7th, 2007, 04:19
lol i love this game ive got in on me PC i cant wait to play....mmm multiplayer would be awesome on this!!

I'm working on it. :cool: It will be one of the last things i do for this project though. Reason for this is I will recode the project in C to add multiplayer. Since LUA cannot have multiplayer due to wifi issues. But don't worry I will take care of it. This project will be nearly identical to the real Halo Zero when it is done.

January 7th, 2007, 04:21
i wish it would come to the DS... but PSP still cool i guess...

BTW How did u get the source? Dobbermann said he woul;d realese it to no one...

January 7th, 2007, 04:38
i wish it would come to the DS... but PSP still cool i guess...

BTW How did u get the source? Dobbermann said he woul;d realese it to no one...

That’s the thing lol, there is no source. I recoded it from scratch. The reason Doberman will release it to no one is because it doesn't exist. He made Halo Zero through a game maker and created the gfx himself. Rest assured my team made sure we got his permission before we would ever release this game. He actually gave us the gfx and sound from the game to implement into ours. And of course along with my team, Dobermans entire team will be in the creds of this game.

January 7th, 2007, 04:41
Man Dobbermann always said there was a source. I knew that he made it with a game maker but he did use code...

January 7th, 2007, 04:43
excellent work love gfx

January 7th, 2007, 05:14
Man Dobbermann always said there was a source. I knew that he made it with a game maker but he did use code...

I speak to Doberman all the time. He has been a good friend and he does know how to code. But for this game from what he has told me, He made the game entirely with a game maker. Creating only the gfx. But I will get back to you with that as i'm not 100% sure.

January 7th, 2007, 05:39
That looks really great! Can't wait to try it out. I've only tried a little on PC, though ..

You are really Halo blessed, aren't you, PSPdemon? :p

Good luck, everyone!

January 7th, 2007, 05:40
... ya, this is awesome. looks down at signature sorrowfully.

January 7th, 2007, 06:38
great work guys :D hope you get it perfect

January 7th, 2007, 07:32
This looks great. Good luck to you all.

... ya, this is awesome. looks down at signature sorrowfully.

Competition leads to better end product. Don't give up man :)

January 7th, 2007, 08:36
Just woke up to this news and my first reaction is this is BETTER that the new custom firmware release.
Thanks guys. I cannot wait for this!!
/wipes up drool.

January 7th, 2007, 09:18
Neato! Maybe even make the crappy 1 vs 1 multiplayer Ad Hoc-playable? Might be more fun when playing with someone next to you.

January 7th, 2007, 12:57
cool can't wait for a beta release or a full release. i wonder if it will be like the pc version.

January 7th, 2007, 14:10
100% AWESOME and a half!

bull, x.

Gabba Gandalf
January 7th, 2007, 14:30
release date ???

if you search beta testers

i would like to do it :thumbup:

January 7th, 2007, 17:03
Nice, looks fun.
I'll beta test if needed.

January 7th, 2007, 17:12
I'm working on it. :cool: It will be one of the last things i do for this project though. Reason for this is I will recode the project in C to add multiplayer. Since LUA cannot have multiplayer due to wifi issues. But don't worry I will take care of it. This project will be nearly identical to the real Halo Zero when it is done.

ermm, lua can have multiplayer......

just not adhoc, you can fake adhoc in lua though using a router. :D

im sure adhoc is going to be initiated soon in lua anyway, it was started but never finished

January 7th, 2007, 18:00
Now im in the mix to :D

pspdemon added me into the project!


January 7th, 2007, 22:10
Now im in the mix to :D

pspdemon added me into the project!


Hmm... Last I remember guntims I added you to the project :rofl: .

ermm, lua can have multiplayer......

just not adhoc, you can fake adhoc in lua though using a router. :D

im sure adhoc is going to be initiated soon in lua anyway, it was started but never finished

Well I don’t plan on adding multiplayer until it can be done through adhoc. Faking it through a router really isn’t worth it seeing as most people do not have router on the go so if they want to play multiplayer in the car or at school they can’t. :cool: But as you said I’m looking forward to 100% functional adhoc in the next lua release. :D But as I said if it never comes I will recode this project in C to fix multiplayer issues.

release date ???

if you search beta testers

i would like to do it :thumbup:

I would like everyone to know that we are currently filled with beta testers at the moment for this game.

Also I will announce a first release date soon. We my team and myself are working as hard as we possibly can on this project. We still haven’t decided how we are going to release, the game will either be in releases by each level we finish or making one demo of the game for all of you to play and then finishing the game and then releasing a final version. But if all of you want to keep updated on the project go to PSPdemon’s old news site now named Team MAYH3M for release date info and how the game is coming along and what we are currently working on.

January 8th, 2007, 00:05
Wait a second... It's a side scroller... o.O

I'm not saying that I don't like it, just pointing out that my first reaction to the frontpost was that it was oging to be a 3D FPS...

Hmmmmm... Maybe I can finally lay a Halo game to its fullest... In something other than *cougheasymodecough*

January 8th, 2007, 02:17
Wait a second... It's a side scroller... o.O

I'm not saying that I don't like it, just pointing out that my first reaction to the frontpost was that it was oging to be a 3D FPS...

Hmmmmm... Maybe I can finally lay a Halo game to its fullest... In something other than *cougheasymodecough*

3D homebrew FPS with AI and everything.... dream on....

January 8th, 2007, 02:30
3D homebrew FPS with AI and everything.... dream on....

Its been done serveral times....

-iris (by Psmonkey)
-PSP Dungeons (by charnold)
-PSPWolfenstein3D (by HardHat)
-Quake for psp v2(quake port)(by Chris Swindle & Peter M)
-Hexen-PSP(by bjohnson)
-DOOM-PSP v0.05 Plus (by Lantus)
Duke Nukem 3D Ported to PSP (by StereoMike)

January 8th, 2007, 18:32
wow this looks awesome keep up the work guys!

January 8th, 2007, 20:13
great job. i've been waiting for something like this. halo'ish on the psp. good. now i got a question........how will the multiplayer work. like the screen shot says it has. or will that be in another release, not the first release. or will it not have multiplayer and it just sayes it does. i guess im trying to say will it have multiplayer or not, if so how?

January 15th, 2007, 03:33
Looks like this is gona turn out to be a great homebrew game :D I can't wait for the release.

January 21st, 2007, 17:45
hi everyone,im from the halo zero fourms and i got notified about the homebrew and i was wondering if you got the permission then how come all of your information is misleading>?

January 22nd, 2007, 02:28
hi everyone,im from the halo zero fourms and i got notified about the homebrew and i was wondering if you got the permission then how come all of your information is misleading>?

how is it misleading.....

and we got permission from Dobermann

Thanks for Everything,

P.S. i dont understand your question........

January 23rd, 2007, 22:32
well it seems one of your people has said it was made with game maker,that the game has no source and that dobbermann created all the gfx.
just to tell you.
1.it was made with MMF

2.If the game had no source,why would he have been selling it.

3.the gfx are actually all property of chainsaw/halo:blood covenant,except for a few changes that doby made,and if you want the sprites you would need to ask pvt.tucker or *ankareon*

dark heart
February 7th, 2007, 10:11
looks like rip of snes metroid... i think i rather play metroid.:D

February 13th, 2007, 13:27
ooooo looks very nish

March 13th, 2007, 01:56
hey. its been a while and i was just wondering that is their been a progress on the game, if so how much has been done... once again just wondering..:o

March 13th, 2007, 02:40
yea, it has.....

sorry for the lack of updates, we are moving slowly but surely on the game :)

Currently, im working on the GFX part ( mainly masterchief ) and the levels....

V3NOM is working on the Recoding in C.... so yall can have wifi and ad-hoc play :D ( eventually i wish it to have user accoutns and stats with ranks....but that will come later on in devleopment if we can fit it in )

as for the ever much asked question of "can i get the demo" or "what is the release date"......the answer to the demo is no.....the answer to the release date is TBA....as of we dont know when it will be released....

These things take time, things can go wrong and thats why we dont know when we will release it.

anyway, yall can ask question, dont mind at all :P

Thanks for Everything,

March 18th, 2007, 17:37
I have a question. Why haven't you guys shut down yet? Are you too stubborn to listen to the demands of the ARTISTS OF WHO MADE ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU SEE IN HALO ZERO? Why is it that you don't listen? You CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT use the sprites, because they are PROPERTY OF THE HALO: BLOOD COVENANT TEAM (http://z14.invisionfree.com/HBCforums/index.php?act=idx), AND ACCORDING TO THEIR RULES, YOU MAY NOT USE THE ART. Notice I am writing in caps so you can U N D E R S T A N D. THE ART OF HALO ZERO IS PROPERTY OF THE HALO: BLOOD COVENANT TEAM, NOT DOBERMANN. DOBERMANN WAS GIVEN SPECIAL PERMISSION BY CHAINSAW LONG AGO, EVEN NOW THE HBC TEAM LOOKS UPON DOBERMANN AND HIM USING THE SPRITES IN DISGUST. IF YOU WANT TO USE THE SPRITES, YOU MUST GET DIRECT PERMISSION FROM THE HBC TEAM, WHICH, AS A GUARUNTEE, YOU WILL NOT. BEFORE YOU POST ANYTHING IN DEFENSE OR START RANTING, POST ON THE HALO: BLOOD COVENANT FORUMS (link above). Sorry, life sucks for people who don't follow others' rules, especially when it pertains to their property. I will continue to harp on you until you stop this project, even then the HBC team will be watching you.

March 18th, 2007, 18:42
Kid, I don't know what side of the bed you woke up on, but it was obviously the wrong one. What if he did have permission from them already and you are just ranting for nothing. Furthermore, why do you care so much? Apparently, you have one post, and are not in a position to look down upon others who have been here longer than you have. I suggest you think for quite a while before your next post.

By the way, threatning people is not a cool thing.

March 19th, 2007, 00:25
I have a question. Why haven't you guys shut down yet? Are you too stubborn to listen to the demands of the ARTISTS OF WHO MADE ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU SEE IN HALO ZERO? Why is it that you don't listen? You CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT use the sprites, because they are PROPERTY OF THE HALO: BLOOD COVENANT TEAM (http://z14.invisionfree.com/HBCforums/index.php?act=idx), AND ACCORDING TO THEIR RULES, YOU MAY NOT USE THE ART. Notice I am writing in caps so you can U N D E R S T A N D. THE ART OF HALO ZERO IS PROPERTY OF THE HALO: BLOOD COVENANT TEAM, NOT DOBERMANN. DOBERMANN WAS GIVEN SPECIAL PERMISSION BY CHAINSAW LONG AGO, EVEN NOW THE HBC TEAM LOOKS UPON DOBERMANN AND HIM USING THE SPRITES IN DISGUST. IF YOU WANT TO USE THE SPRITES, YOU MUST GET DIRECT PERMISSION FROM THE HBC TEAM, WHICH, AS A GUARUNTEE, YOU WILL NOT. BEFORE YOU POST ANYTHING IN DEFENSE OR START RANTING, POST ON THE HALO: BLOOD COVENANT FORUMS (link above). Sorry, life sucks for people who don't follow others' rules, especially when it pertains to their property. I will continue to harp on you until you stop this project, even then the HBC team will be watching you.
Writing in caps just makes you look like a raving idiot. Please contact the maintainers of this project via PM rather then in public on the boards.


2.Sure use them just credit Chainsaw for making them and me for editing them.

BTW, nobody even think of using these in a game. They are HBC's private sprites, used by dobermann with permission. anyone using them in a game will be set upon by our ninja army. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. dobermann's sprites (but not the ones he edited) are fine. No other edited sprites may be used either for that matter

Since this project has Dobermann's approval and the sprites used are from that thread in GameMaker, I don't see a problem.

HBC and Dobermann need to sort out who owns what otherwise this is just going to end up like the Tetris game in terms of the ownership issues.

March 19th, 2007, 01:40
Hmm, let's see.

The Master Chief sprites, the weapon sprites, the backgrounds, the enemies, the effects, the vehicles, you know what they all have in common? They were made by the HBC team, Dobermann has no control. I'm sure, if you redo all these sprites, you'll be just fine... And as for you being here longer than me, I have known Dobermann longer than ANYONE here, moreover Halo Zero. I was with Halo Zero from the beggining. 6th member of the Halo Zero forums.

BTW, nobody even think of using these in a game. They are HBC's private sprites, used by dobermann with permission. anyone using them in a game will be set upon by our ninja army. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. dobermann's sprites (but not the ones he edited) are fine. No other edited sprites may be used either for that matter

For the last time, these are almost ALL property of the HBC team. As said by Ankhareon, the Jackal and some of the weapons are Dobermann's, THAT'S IT. Nothing else may be used. Now stop defending your little PSP mods and make your own damn art.

I'm tired of you guys, you make me sick. You make Ankh sick. You make the original Halo Zero community sick, absolutely SICK. When will you just come to understand YOU CANNOT AND MAY NOT USE THE SPRITES? When will it finally be carved into your skulls? FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO!!!!!

What if he did have permission from them already and you are just ranting for nothing.

I know for a fact he didn't, I talk to Ankhareon every day.

And for the last time, nobody cares wheter or not you got permission from Dobermann, he has NO control over these sprites.

PS: I'm part of the HBC Ninja Army.. No joke.

March 19th, 2007, 04:15
This has gone on way too long.

Kid, I don't know what side of the bed you woke up on, but it was obviously the wrong one. What if he did have permission from them already and you are just ranting for nothing. Furthermore, why do you care so much? Apparently, you have one post, and are not in a position to look down upon others who have been here longer than you have. I suggest you think for quite a while before your next post.

By the way, threatning people is not a cool thing.

Firstly, he doesn't have permission from us, only Dobermann does, and that permission is not extended to anyone he feels like. I don't know why he gave you permission because as a moderator on his forums, I assure you every other request has been turned down flat.
He is in a position to look down on you as he is also a moderator on said forums and knows what he's talking about.

Since this project has Dobermann's approval and the sprites used are from that thread in GameMaker, I don't see a problem.

HBC and Dobermann need to sort out who owns what otherwise this is just going to end up like the Tetris game in terms of the ownership issues.

I thought I made myself perfectly clear in that post, but I'll say it again: Use Dobermann's sprites if you want but you may not touch ours and you may not use them in a game. That person reposted our sprites without our permission and I do NOT support any use of them whatsoever in a game.

Do I make myself clear?

I'm tired of you guys, you make me sick. You make Ankh sick. You make the original Halo Zero community sick, absolutely SICK. When will you just come to understand YOU CANNOT AND MAY NOT USE THE SPRITES? When will it finally be carved into your skulls? FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO!!!!!

Well and truely SECONDED!

Any Questions?

Cap'n 1time
March 19th, 2007, 04:31
The original authors of the sprites have the final say. If the original authors demand you not use the sprites then you MAY NOT use them. It's disappointing, sure, but you must respect their wishes. Regardless of whether this is eventually released or not, until the authors give permission the release will not be available on DCemu. That goes for any similar situation as well.


Thread reopened as the problem seems to be sorted.

March 19th, 2007, 23:55
I hate assholes. There were alot of nicer and more civillized ways to resolve this conflict. You do not have to post rants on public boards in order to get what you want. There are many other ways to communicate with people.

PS, being a moderator on some random forum does not give you any right at all to look down upon others. You never should look down upon others unless you have a valid reason. A mix up of whos sprites they were isn't a valid reason for so much hate and anger. I suggest you think to yourself why you act like a jerk over such nonsense.

Cap'n 1time
March 20th, 2007, 01:30
We are still investigating. A new bit of evidence has come to our attention. I'll let Demon explain when we are all comfortable.

Please try to keep the flames to a minimum.

August 16th, 2007, 16:05
Intersesting, it seem we hav a small problem. It's time for some S.S.I. (Sprite Stealing Investigation) Work. Keep watching my post.


Link (http://z14.invisionfree.com/HBCforums/index.php?showtopic=4)

Q = Question
S = Suggestion
P = Problem
A = Answer

Q: The sprites and graphics for the game are great! Can I use them?
A: No. HBC prides itself on being unique and we plan on keeping it that way.

Q: What was HBC made with?
A: Currently the games code is being made in Game Maker. No libraries, no tutorials or stuff like that. The graphics here are the result of hard work and each pixel has been hand drawn without the aid of 3D programs, filters, scanners or existent material. This above all has been done to protect us from copyright and to respect the legitimate owners of the game."

Posted: Dec 23 2005, 03:08 PM

So obviously HBC did create the sprites, and as mentioned above, with painstaking detail. But, Doberrmann got a hold of the sprites even though,

Q: The sprites and graphics for the game are great! Can I use them?
A: No. HBC prides itself on being unique and we plan on keeping it that way.

But, theres this

Link (http://z6.invisionfree.com/dobermannsoftware/index.php?showtopic=948)

Q: This game looks strangely similar to Halo: Blood Covenant. Why?
A: Most of the sprites and backgrounds of the game came from Blood Covenant, as the original creator of it (Chainsaw) gave permission for Dobermann to use them.

If I read correctly on HBC's forums, Chainsaws sprites are available for public download, so if these were the sprites used, whats the problem?

More Searching To Come.

August 16th, 2007, 17:04
wtf, i missed this much.... this is a riot here

August 16th, 2007, 17:26
atari freak has a point, if these sprites CAN be used, then this game should be... revived!

and besides, if its just a port over to the psp, what IS the problem??!

January 6th, 2008, 02:14
Erm yea so whatever happened to this project

January 10th, 2008, 23:23
EDIT: Nevermind :)

January 14th, 2008, 05:20
uh whats going on hen. new mods but not halo or still continuing. seems old news now tho since nothing happened yet. :(

May 1st, 2009, 22:03

Well, sorry, I just don't feel like making a new topic for this...
Anyway, is this project actually still alive? Also, the lua version that was released, could you upload a version with the sprites hidden so people can't use them?

Also, I have a PSP emulator, however, I don't know for sure how to run the released version of Halo Zero PSP.. I see that the folder contain of .lua files.. Does it mean the game is not compiled so it can run on PSP?

Just to say who I am.. I am one of the moderators on Dobermann's new forum and I just quite recently found out about the PSP version of HZ.. I joined the Halo Zero forums in July 2007.