View Full Version : [NDS] AnimEDS: Animation Editor for DS

August 19th, 2012, 14:27

Here is my entry to the 2012 compo !

Nickname: PypeBros
Project Name: AnimEDS
From: Belgium
Division: APP
Platform: NDS
Original Enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ehCPg5YzVQQ/Tli2LRUN8II/AAAAAAAAC_s/8p6NYDy9NiM/s1600/insert-delay.png -- http://i.imgur.com/9hOGY.gif -- http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_8VEMgn6XLs/Td49E0L8pII/AAAAAAAACxc/m1geS67SsY8/s400/grayscale-preview.png

AnimEDS and its companion SEDS (Sprite Editor on NDS) allows you to create and animate pixel art graphics on your beloved little handheld device. It features palette edition, pixel painting on 16x16 or 32x32 grids, storage and management into "sprite sheets" (64x192 pixels each) and "multi-limb animation" aka "modular animation" made popular by the original Rayman game.

Created graphics and animations are fully compatible with the open-source "GEDS" game engine (http://dsgametools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/dsgametools/trunk/libgeds/), but can also be exported to png format (http://dsgametools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/dsgametools/trunk/runMe/spr2png.pl?view=log) or animation instruction list (http://dsgametools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/dsgametools/trunk/runMe/dumpanim.pl?view=log) for e.g. use in Web games.

Alternate download on source forge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgametools/files/Sprite%20Editor%20DS/ASEDS-neo.zip/download)

PS: more .SPR files will follow over the week for more fun. Make sure you copy SPRITEB.SPR and AUTOEXEC.SPR at the root of your media card, to have some bare graphics to start with. Loading that spriteset is achieved with [START]+[L]+(B). You can press [L+R] at any time to get online help.

L-touch means "touch with the stylus while holding the [L] shoulder button.
