View Full Version : Super Mario World Clone Released on the Atari 2600

August 23rd, 2012, 13:56
The world of homebrew never fails to amaze, Sprybug an Homebrew coder (http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/201426-super-mario-clone-world-1-1-playable-demo/)over at AtariAge has made a clone of Super Mario Bros World 1 - Level 1, heres a little of his news:

I finally got a demo of world 1-1 finished and here it is for you to enjoy.
It is now 32k. With 32k I believe I'll be able to fit 16 levels (World 1-1 through 4-4). Each end world will have a Koopa kid as the boss. For those that played the pre-demo version, you already know that it's not exactly like SMB, but it is pretty close. You automatically get what's in the bonus yellow blocks. The flagpole is also smaller and I did this because I wanted to be able to put it in strategic areas not on ground level in order for you to have to figure out how to get there to finish a level. I also changed the program so it only has one enemy on the screen at one time. I did this because it was proving too difficult with limited cycles and RAM to keep swapping and keeping track of stuff. However one is popping up all the time, so it might seem like there's more than one at one time! There is one exception. When you kick the turtle shell, it'll turn into a moving playfield block which allows for an enemy sprite to come on so you have the ability to knock the shell into something besides a brick. I wanted that to at least stay true to the real game. I'm still trying to figure out how I should implement the star power in the game. I also EXPANDED the levels! Each level will now have 2 scrolling screens worth instead of 1. You will see a pipe to go down at the end of the first half of a level, then when you go down it, you will come back up in the 2nd half of the level to finish it. This was my way around the limited 256 byte data level lines. In the demo you'll keep playing world 1-1 until you lose all your men for now. The collision detection with the playfield blocks isn't 100% perfect, but it's close. Still something I have to work on if I have the cycle time to. So, have fun, and yes I included music and sound effects.

Heres the video of the game in action:


Absolutly Awesome:)