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View Full Version : Rumours of a Dreamcast 2

April 2nd, 2005, 21:32
Ive been told that theres rumours that a chinese firm are to make a Dreamcast 2 console, anyone hear the same (non april fool), post any info in this thread.

April 2nd, 2005, 21:39
not heard anything yet, but I'll keep my ear to the ground, I'm not known in these parts as the Internet rat for nowt!!!

April 2nd, 2005, 21:49
Where did this rumour come from?, I've heard (well seen really) nothing anywhere.

April 2nd, 2005, 22:18
Maybe something down the line of Treamcast I wouldn't mind a reset button and new controllers but from China you know the quality is going to be low oh not to mention it will never happen!

April 3rd, 2005, 00:55
How could it be a dreamcast 2 if it was made in china by a Non-sega company?

April 3rd, 2005, 01:04
Mayybe it's connected with the 'Dreamcast on a chip' thing?


April 3rd, 2005, 01:39
If by China, you're reffering to Hong Kong - then I suppose a pirate Dreamcast console isn't that unfeasible.

Though I wouldn't put my bets on it being anything else than a stock DC repackaged.

April 3rd, 2005, 01:57
If this is true then it could be damn cool

Anyways after searching round the net this is what I have found


Yes it's probably fake

April 3rd, 2005, 20:28
Really sounds like a hoax, probably like MetaFox said just a repackaged DC.

Do you think Sega will ever release another home console?

Sweater Fish Deluxe
April 3rd, 2005, 20:48
If some Hong Kong manufacturer really wanted to go overboard, I wonder if they could release a Dreamcast capable of playing NAOMI GD-ROMs? It'd have to have a huge RAM bank as well as extra system memory and stuff. I wonder if it'd be possible, though (and still be compatible with Dreamcast GDs of course). Then we could play games like Spiker's Battle and Monkey Ball (and pay hundreds of dollars for them! Woo!)

That's about the only thing any pirate Dreamcast could do that I'd be excited about.

What's this Dreamcast on a chip thing, though? I've never heard of that. If such exists, I'd say it's more than a fair wager that it would be involved in any pirate Dreamcasts.

...word is bondage...

April 4th, 2005, 11:16
when you say dreamcast 2 is it like mega drive 2 or ps2? still don't see it happening

April 4th, 2005, 12:27
Sega will NEVER release another console, ever.

April 9th, 2005, 22:17
Does anyone heere want to make money and help the dreamcasts reputation as well?And pretty much gurantee a dreamcast 2
If you do reply to this post and i might just have a very good idea that actuelly works :) :)

April 10th, 2005, 00:50
Would you mind sharing your "idea to make money and help the dc's reputation as well" without doing any more cryptic posts like this ?

April 10th, 2005, 02:37
oh, i want to know what it is, REALLY!!!!!!, badly. tell us Fishyrooter, :)

April 10th, 2005, 10:10
Well here it is?
I'm guessing some of you have old game systems and games you don't want?
So sell them on Ebay and use the cash to buy a couple of dozen dremacasts and some of the best games.
Then sell it on The Amazon marketplace for a profit and use the money made to buy some more dreamcasts and good games from ebay and selll them on amazon Marketplae for a profit again.
You can repeat this process as many times as you want to as long as you keep a record of all the dreamcast consoles,games and acesssories you sold.
If enough people do this you'll have a large amount of profit
Now use the profit to advertise your products on other well known Game and console websites Retro and general).Thsi will generate quite a bit of intreast and it'll probably be the first active advertising for the dreamcast and dreamcast goods for ages.With any luck quite a few will be sold as their perfect for people who want another console but need it to be a cheap one or for collectors and people who just want a cheap cd player(And yes it's getting that cheap).but remember the key rule of making money:
Lots of goods sold cheaply(but not to cheaply) will make more money than a few goods sold at a hogh price remember to suceed we'll have to appeall to the general public.Anyways that's my idea so let me know what you think of it soon. :) :) :cool: :)

April 10th, 2005, 10:13
Well here it is?
I'm guessing some of you have old game systems and games you don't want?
So sell them on Ebay and use the cash to buy a couple of dozen dremacasts and some of the best games.
Then sell it on The Amazon marketplace for a profit and use the money made to buy some more dreamcasts and good games from ebay and selll them on amazon Marketplae for a profit again.
You can repeat this process as many times as you want to as long as you keep a record of all the dreamcast consoles,games and acesssories you sold.
If enough people do this you'll have a large amount of profit
Now use the profit to advertise your products on other well known Game and console websites Retro and general).Thsi will generate quite a bit of intreast and it'll probably be the first active advertising for the dreamcast and dreamcast goods for ages.With any luck quite a few will be sold as their perfect for people who want another console but need it to be a cheap one or for collectors and people who just want a cheap cd player(And yes it's getting that cheap).but remember the key rule of making money:
Lots of goods sold cheaply(but not to cheaply) will make more money than a few goods sold at a hogh price remember to suceed we'll have to appeall to the general public.Anyways that's my idea so let me know what you think of it soon. :) :) :cool: :)

seriously no offense intended, but thats just stupid. that will in no way popularize the dreamcast. you're saying taking things already for sale, buy them and sell them for more. that isnt some sort of innovated new idea, thats how ebay and amazon work always.

April 10th, 2005, 10:18
maybe you haven't noticed but the majority of people who buy video games and console think the dreamcast is rubbish.
So advertise it with the profit as i said on decent websites if people actually know what it is and think it's good they'll buy it dont u think?

April 10th, 2005, 10:52
maybe you haven't noticed but the majority of people who buy video games and console think the dreamcast is rubbish.
So advertise it with the profit as i said on decent websites if people actually know what it is and think it's good they'll buy it dont u think?
um...yea cause you know... the few dollars that you'll make by ripping the people off is really going to be enough to launch the massive advertising campaign to disuade the millions poured out by sony, MS and ninty that gave the DC its bad image. riiiiiighht.

April 10th, 2005, 12:14
Okay, quzar's post reflects my opinion about this too, so I hereby ask you to please stay on topic from now on, fishyrooter. If you want to elobate this any further, please open a new topic in the DC commercial gaming forum =p

April 10th, 2005, 13:03
i never said it would equal them but at least it's an idea of which anybody else doesn't seem to have and anyways since when did it cost millions to adveertise on a website?let see since never a small targerted campeighn(and cheap) campaighn can be just as effective if you choose the right websites and it needn't cost millions and anyways some consoles are colectors items and sell for lots of money.
making a profit is not the same as ripping someone off!!!

April 10th, 2005, 13:13
This is the last time that I'm asking you to open a new topic instead of spaming this one.

April 11th, 2005, 00:06
The biggest problem with your "plan" that I can see is that the only people who buy Dreamcast's are collectors and homebrewers. So how would buying and selling them build any interest with people to want a second one made, when the general public feels that there are more "superior" systems? (of course I don't feel this way, Dreamcast is the BEST! :) )

Waste of my time reading your "plan"

April 11th, 2005, 13:38
Bun All U

April 22nd, 2005, 09:15
I haven't readed this thread, but some time ago, i posted this web links in EOL (Spanish Scene Site), hope ti can be usefull.

AtGames designs and produces games products in form of stand-along devices and bundled games on optical disc, flash disk, memory cards and other tangible media.
AtGames exclusively manages Sega's platform game library, including Sega 8 bit, Sega Megadrive/Genesis, Sega CD, Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast OEM in Greater China for worldwide shipment.






AtGames talks about establishing the Sega brand in Greater China

Latest news

Bryan Chuang, Taipei; Jessie Shen, DigiTimes.com [Monday 21 February 2005]
AtGames, a Bermuda-based game-software distributor, signed a distribution agreement with game-software giant Sega earlier this year, according to a Sega press release on January 5. Under the agreement, AtGames has the exclusive right to promote Sega’s products, which include packaged game software, mobile games and download and OEM products, in Greater China. Ping-Kang Hsiung, founder and CEO of AtGames, sat down with DigiTimes to talk about the company’s strategy after winning the contract from Sega.

Q: Could you specify details of the agreement with Sega?

A: We have exclusive rights to distribute Sega-brand packaged game software for a variety of game consoles in Greater China. The game consoles include Sony’s PlayStation 2 (PS2) and PlayStation Portable (PSP), Microsoft’s Xbox, Nintendo’s GameCube and GameBoy DS, as well as existing and upcoming desktop PC and notebook models. In addition, Sega granted us the right to promote its game-software downloads for mobile phones and PDAs in the region. China Mobile and China Unicom both provide Sega game download services for handset users.

Sega also understands how important the Greater China market is for the worldwide IT hardware industry. We obtained another exclusive right to seek OEMs, chipmakers and other manufacturers in the region to bundle Sega’s platforms, including SEGA Master System, SEGA Game Gear, SEGA Genesis (MegaDrive) System, SEGA Saturn System, SEGA 32X, SEGA CD and SEGA Dreamcast System, together with an emulator. In turn, products that incorporate these bundled options will then be sold throughout the world.