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View Full Version : Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 hits Steam

August 23rd, 2012, 21:51
If you owned the original Xbox you should have played one of its all-time-best series, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/screenshot_136697_thumb_wide300.jpg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/viewer.php?mode=article&id=136697)Developed by BioWare's, But not to be mistaken with its recent MMO (The Old Republic), Knights of the Old Republic is an offline RPG with epic scale and a brilliant story. The first game has been on Steam for some time, and now you can tuck into the sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Sith Lords.Set five years after the events of the first game, the Sith Lords have "hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic", according to the blurb.
"With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic's only hope is a lone Jedi struggling to reconnect with the Force. As this Jedi, you will be faced with the galaxy's most dire decision: Follow the light side or succumb to the dark..."
It's on Steam now for $9.99 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/208580/).
