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View Full Version : SnakeSP v7.1

January 10th, 2007, 17:26
Updated release by MrMr[iCE] of his Snake game for the PSP, heres whats new

This is mostly a bug fix and tweaks to certain aspects of the game. The changes:
Added proper suspend/resume code. app should behave nicely now for those who said it crashed on resume from standby mode. Please test this.
Food spawns much faster now, almost immediately after consuming the last item.
Tweaked the appearance rate of food items, red slowdowns should show up more now.
Snake grows/shrinks very quickly now. Be careful where the tail is when you eat a yellow/blue item
Added a counter to the scoreboard that shows how many segments have been accumulated over time..this is part of the scoring system.
Enhanced the water effect, decreased the dampening some to make the waves more pronounced. The ring effects you saw before are now replaced by drops in the water field
Replaced the default music loop with something not so fast. This is a bigger file tho, so there will be a pause at game startup
The music loop MUST be less that 16777215 bytes. This is a limit in the playback system, the current one is just a little over 14 mb.

heres a video clip of a test (old version of the game):


any ideas are welcome.

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via MrMr[iCE] (http://forums.qj.net/showpost.php?p=1232842&postcount=1)

January 10th, 2007, 17:32
yeess love SnakeSP wo ho !!! nice

January 10th, 2007, 17:35
Hee NICE NICE snake version i like it Thanks,

but got 1 request: an exit butten becouse in Eloader the home butten doenst work.
this means --> reset psp

January 10th, 2007, 18:03
a level maker would be nice

January 10th, 2007, 18:19
Only just got v7

January 10th, 2007, 23:28
LoL i love snake to, Dam that game is good

January 14th, 2007, 23:29
when is multiplayer and ai coming