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View Full Version : Counter Strike: Global Offensive still MIA from PlayStation 3

August 29th, 2012, 21:52
Sony has revealed its extensive content slate being added the PSN this week… and Counter Strike: Global Offensive is highly conspicuous by its absence.
The game was supposed to arrive on both Xbox 360 and PS3 last week. It turned up on Xbox Live, as planned, but failed to materialise on PSN (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/counter-strike-global-offensive-arrives-but-not-on-ps3/0101665) in Europe. It did appear on the North American arm of PSN.
Although no set deadline was announced, the presumption was that the game would appear on this week’s update. Alas not.
"I know a lot of you were hoping for news on Counter Strike: Global Offensive but I'm afraid I've no new information to share today," a statement on the EU PlayStation Blog (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2012/08/29/heads-up-game-store-update-29th-august-2012/#more-79981) read. "Rest assured we'll update you as soon as possible."
The Walking Dead: Episode 3 is another title that has been released on PSN in American but is still awaiting approval from Sony Europe.
As you might expect, fans have reacted angrily in the site’s comments. Perhaps the most frustrating this is the lack of explanation, with Valve remaining doggedly tight-lipped about the cause of the delay.
“No CS:GO and Walking Dead Ep.3?” one commentator wrote. “Hate to say, VERY DISAPPOINTING SCEE!”
Another added: “No Counterstrike: Global Offensive and no information on Counterstrike: Global Offensive.
“I’ve been playing CS in various forms for twelve years. I’m late thirties, and so are most of the people I play with. A lot own a PS3, PC and 360. All of them have now gone with the PC or 360 versions because of this delay. You are losing customers to other platforms, losing money, and losing potential player base which would support this game in years to come.
“Please have a little consideration for your loyal customers and at least tell everyone officially why there is a delay and a legitimate ETA on a release date. It doesn’t take much for loyal customers to go elsewhere, and it’s happening already.”
