View Full Version : GuitarHelper v0.4a

January 10th, 2007, 21:53
Ok sorry for the long wait but I have been busy with school work and yatta yatta. Anyways this release has some big changes so lets get to it

1. Completely redone code. No code from the old releases was used, I redid it to make it more effecient and stable.
2. There is now a menu instead of pressing different buttons and stuff we now have a menu
3. off course with the menu there is a menu background which i would like to give a thanks to jem

1. Just throw it in the game150 folder. Its not a kxploited eboot because I figure everyone must be on OE or SE so why wasted folders?

__Additional info__
At first yes there was a text reader implemented for tabs. But it did not work very well. So expect that later. Also this weekend im going to rerecord all the strings for the tuner to improve the quality.

If you have any suggestions or ideas tell me here, and maybe Ill add them.

Special thanks to jem for doing all the gfx.

And now for the download link-

For more info you can check out the heylookatme.txt
Also I tested this and it works 100% on my psp but there is always the chance that I may have uploaded the wrong file or something so if you think something smells fishy tell me so I can fix it.
If someone could upload a screen that would be cool.

Thats from my Qj forum release thread. If I could get some constructive criticsm (spelling?) that would be good.