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View Full Version : Wraggsters reply..

September 4th, 2012, 02:26
So I along with others have been at this for a bit now.. and nothing seems to work.. we need ideas of how to get a response from wraggster either negative or positive. An ice breaker to get the man to speak...

The basics are this.. we want a response from wraggster so that we may set up meetings on irc or here on the forums to discuss the over due maintenance of dcemu. He has been for lack of a better word unresponsive to any negotiations tactics we may implement..

We need ideas.. how does one elicit a response from a stubborn old mule that refuses to budge on his position..

Any idea are welcome at this point..

September 4th, 2012, 04:22
At this point, it seems it would be easier to rally the crowd, register a similar domain, and setup forums there.

Hell, that's how DCEmu UK came into existance in the first place. It came from taking the DCEmulation name and making it slightly different. (is it time for DCEmuAmerica.com?)

September 4th, 2012, 04:51
That had once been considered.. it's still not entirely out of the question.. but that would be a last resort of sorts.. I'm sure we could get enough support and members to successfully do this thing. The problem is.. I've got a soft spot for this old girl we call dcemu.Co.uk. if its possible. I'd like to save her..

But if it is not... then. Your plan may be the only choice...

September 5th, 2012, 23:34
It looks to me that he don't want to get involved, not a good idea since some things are STILL broken and others needing a serious update. Even worse, I've now noticed that editing posts causes a 503 error - not good and that can't be left that way.

September 6th, 2012, 00:38
I really don't know what else to do shry. He's just not responding..

September 6th, 2012, 04:24
We already have http://dcemu.com

September 7th, 2012, 14:19
Somehow. I just assumed that if I managed to assemble the old team and unify them, that the combined greatness of this feat would somehow change wraggsters mind.. to have the best team he ever had.. working for dcemu again...

In this time I have been gone. Many things have changed.. Kaiser and quzar are missing in action and I don't even have a clue about darksaviour or soullys whereabouts... somehow I'm not as optimistic about this as I once was... wraggster refuses to comment on the mattet.. no matter how far I push the envelope.. Kaiser and quzar and dark and soully are still missing... I truly don't feel wraggster is ever going to respond to this...

It may be a lost cause guys...

September 7th, 2012, 17:36
PSPdemon's not even a mod anymore?

September 7th, 2012, 19:51
I think he is isn't he? And besides I'm not a mod anymore myself.. not being a mod here anymore was kind of his choice.. you know. putting in overtime ,working ones ass off for years and having wraggster not appreciate it at all when one makes a few requests about dcemu kind of does that to some mods.. trust me it's kind of common brother...

September 7th, 2012, 19:54
I noticed that alot of mods on the site leaders list have been removed. Some were well inactive for a long, long time, others not been active either but not as long as the former. Noticed that all Senior Staff have been demodded, those in question are Hawq, Malksta, PSP and myself. Except when I lost my mod powers I got them back 24 hours later but with the wrong colour for my rank I'm on. So right now, I have global mod powers but look like a normal section mod showing the green colour where in fact it's meant to be gold for Senior Staff.

I will assume that as no admin such as the likes of Darksaviour69 or Kaiser has come by in a long time, I'm going to assume that wraggster did this.

September 7th, 2012, 23:16
Is darks and kaisers profile still admined? Damn no wonder dcemu fell apart. Wraggster destroyed it so he could run it with bots... what a tragic way for the ship to go down

September 8th, 2012, 07:04
It's too late to revive the site, people got pissed off at the spam bots and left the board.

It's sad because DCEmu was the best homebrew site, very active, and Wraggster ruined it.

September 8th, 2012, 09:24
JK, it's been years since you came by, how are you these days?

SP, Darksaviour69 and and Kaiser are still admins but like I said, they haven't come here in a long while - especially DS.

September 8th, 2012, 09:37
Well if it isn't jkk. That one right there Should have been a mod.. if I recall correctly she really pulled her act together and started posting news and heavily contributing and the whole nine yards.. another good member that wraggster failed to recognize...

September 8th, 2012, 09:40
Maybe I was mistaken.. maybe life can be breathed back into dcemu with or without wraggster. What makes a community is it's people.. and slowly but surely some really great legends are finding their way back!! This is awesome

@Shry I was very close to both dark and Kaiser.... dark had his reasons for leaving not related to the site. If I'm not mistaken he got married to a foxy little woman I'm sure she takes up a lot of his time ;)

Kaiser... Kaiser and loyalty are the same thing. If there was one other person that loved dcemu as much as I did it was special k.. he was loyal to his friends and he did so Much for me once he was admined I could write a book about it.... I know why Kaiser isn't here.. I hardly blame him... in my opinion he was the finest admin dcemu ever had...Kaiser eventually became stricken with guilt and disgust that he could not help dcemu and his friends out as his very loyal nature demanded.. because some nameless site owner kept preventing his ideas and plans from ever seeing light..

Kaiser if your out there brother. You where Superman to me ,you and dark both!!!!

September 9th, 2012, 00:55
Oh flip sounds like there's scant chance we'll get them back here. Would be great if they dropped by for even a short while - they could hear us out about the state of this site at least and perhaps fix my user colour as well.

September 11th, 2012, 09:06
I'm still here, albeit in a more limited capacity. I can't really speak for the others, but I imagine life just took them away to other things. Good to see those that are still popping around in this and other threads though.

Don't count DCEmu out yet folks. Crisis often brings on positive change. :)

September 22nd, 2012, 19:23
My opinion is that you have to start a thread related to the new ideas about dcemu forum
it is the better way to get suggestion about the upgrading of our forum.

October 1st, 2012, 23:03
dark had his reasons for leaving not related to the site

Should probably clear that up, my dad got a terminal illness (and died) so between that an other real live crap like a job, I started losing interest with dcemu. But I am getting married in 6 days ;) days so I better get back to doing wedding stuff. I'll try and get back to the forums a little after the honeymoon.

If your'e serious about doing something with dcemu, then it can be done. Wrags is a reasonable guy, but extremely busy. If you want to put a constructive plan together, I can talk to him for you. A plan using dcemu.com as a test ground might be a good idea since its not really being used anyway.

best contact me via my dcemu email btw (got it working again recently)

nice 2 see some of the old gang again

October 2nd, 2012, 19:42
YEAH, you're still around! Good to see! Shame your dad passed away, god bless. Good luck with the wedding, come back here to join us when you're ready!

October 5th, 2012, 21:42
I miss the old days of DCemu and I think its cool that DCemu offers news to commercial games as well as homebrew community news. But the problem with the site is exactly that cause this site used to be dedicated to only Dreamcast. If anything this site should dedicate itself to homebrew gaming only cause half of the commercial news I see here is already on sites like Kotaku.com, Gamespot.com and so on. The site is to cramped and there is still some bugs I noticed with the Dreamcast news site sometimes i would be sent to two other pages with Dreamcast news and an older page with Dreamcast news which is where I usually post news when i get any. Of course the big problem with the Dreamcast stuff is no downloads.

November 13th, 2012, 09:18
At this factor, it seems it would be quicker to move the audience, sign-up a identical sector, and installation boards there. Terrible, that's how DCEmu UK came into existance in the first position. It came from getting the DCEmulation name and creating it a little bit different.

Sonicboy 101
December 15th, 2012, 16:35
I thought this place died out? From the look of it, it might as well have done, all the forum is now is a bunch of newsposts. Tis a shame