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View Full Version : DS FIRE - New DS Flash Cart

January 11th, 2007, 21:26
A new Slot 1 flash cart for Nintendo DS will be coming out soon called the DS Fire:

Heres the specs:

1. No need any patch , plug and play;
2. integrated NAND Flash,more stable and faster. No need extra memory cards;
3. make your NDS like a USB mobile disk. Support FAT format of the documents operate system , copy ROMS Directly from PC to NDS, no need any converter software.
4. Game saves automatic backup to integrated chipset. Support back up to PC to share with your friends.
5. Same 1:1 size of the Slot 1 cars.
6. same playing time as the original Slot 1 carts.
7. Support MoonShell, clean ROM, Easy to Play MP3,Movie ,books
8.If use with more software with PC can get more functions.

Its rumoured to be a clone of the recently released NCard, more details as we get it.

Screen Via Comments

January 11th, 2007, 21:38
That looks awesome! I hope it come out real quick and then see where a good place to buy it from.

January 11th, 2007, 23:02
i dunno about this.
being released after the M3 DS and Supercard DS and R4. might be a ripoff of one of them.
but i could be totally wrong.

January 12th, 2007, 10:22
I love my M3 simply does everything i want it to do.

January 12th, 2007, 13:00
^^just because you dont want to play homebrew or even gba homebrew. Now we got a couple of slot1 solucions and it doesnt bring advantages. Even less. I would call it a step backward for homebrew, because we got about 10 new devices, new fatcodes which will have to be included and which maybe disturb each other. And even for the manucators its not quite cool. Every one wnats a piece of the slot1 cake so that nobody really earns.

All flashcards are looking same for me. Same features, same size, same disadvantages compared to slot2.

A great time for homebrewers will come. I can see it well. DSO black,green, purple, yellow, margenta, grey, darkgreen, black,darkblack , white and maybe transparent :D

January 13th, 2007, 02:54
Payk, as you might have noticed, there is only 1 version of DSOrganize now. Chishm redesigned the whole FAT library that everybody uses in their homebrew, so now although the end-user must patch the homebrew with a DLDI patch file for their specific card, all future devices will be supported the instant a driver for each is developed. No more DSO versions, no more having to recompile to add support for a new card that just came out, etc. They just have to recompile once to add DLDI support and then it will work for future devices as well.

But I do agree, the slot-1 devices really only offer advantages to pirates and do little to help the homebrew community.