View Full Version : RUMOR: Modchipmaker helping police???

September 8th, 2012, 10:23
Amazing 'Scene' Drama has been unfolding on scene sites around the 'net.

Reseller 'ModControl' makes claims that the reason he was raided recently in Germany by the police over selling RGH-enabling products and consoles, was because of Team 'Squirt360' helping the police out along with hiring an lawyer after 'ModControl' told its customers they are not going to support 'Squirt360' products as their product is crappy compare to other versions other versions from 'Team-Xecuter' and 'Matrix' suppliers.

Some months ago we are with our store an official reseller from Squirt360 but aren't happy about their announcements and attack against other teams, also the hardware itself had some issues and we have some problems (like our users, I will explain it later) with the Squirt stuff.

After that they told us, that they have some killer features like the DualNAND Mod which was based on Gligi RGH Code which is of course was completely open source. So we are pissed off a little because Squirt/Oscar starts some wars against other teams like Team-Xecuter and Matrix.

So we thought we have to bring the code (VHDL/CPLD) back to the scene with the dualNAND function. This is the reason why we released the RGH_CPLD_MOD v0.1 (without source at first, cause it was crappy) and later after some more tests the new (public) v0.5 with all files included to let devs and users and of course also the teams work with it.

Nothing special for us, nothing special in generally, but enough to let Mr. HardStore aka Mr. Squirt aka Mr. Electronic Mods aka Mr. Argon2 (yep, he is also behind that scene rip off, more about the drama you will find on hackmii.com) go crazy.

After some discussions with him and some descriptions why his Squirt Modchip isn't better for us compared to every other CPLD/RGH solution out there he was pissed off and starts flaming, so we start to ban Squirt360 in our store CodeXecution.Com and blocked Oscar on ModControl.Com.

At this time Squirt BGA 1.2 was out with a locked BGA CPLD Code which was based again on freely available Gligi's work, again with no new big features but with a better DualNAND Code which he announced as a better solution when the floating around of (our code) open source one appeared.

We know that the first code wasn't clean, that is the reason why we didn't release the source files. So we released the v0.5 and v0.5.1 package to the masses to let every TX Cool Runner / Matrix 360 v1Glitcher / and other solutions play with this code which of course is also based on the original RGH code from Gligi.

But of course, the Squirt code didn't reset the SMC, which means, that you aren't safe on Xbox Live. So we talked again about their crappy shit and told our users, that we didn't want to sell or have to support this kind of shit.

Now Oscar/Squirt/ElectronicMod/Hardstore.Com from Italy are pissed-off and announced that he will come back with his lawyer and the police.

Also he send some Samples to our users, 3 of 5 (everything negative result with the samples is still inside our forums, so we didn't need to lie, you know me Gary, I´m a long time scener, so I don't need to lie) so we talked to our users, that we did not support this crap from them.

Some weeks later (3-4 weeks ago) I got raided, thanks to Oscar and his lawyer. This guy really did go to the police.

He announced it twice (look at the quotes here) via my site ModControl.

And confirmed his move also more then one time to two well known german resellers.

Yeah, of course, to make a long story short, the Squirt guys went to the police and I got raided.

You know what all this means?

A ModChipmaker and a reseller of such products goes like a rat to the police and starts to sing like a bird to attack this scene (he attacked the scene more when one time with his lies, some devs didn't want to go far away from him cause he is a good guy, they went away from him guys he tries to rip them and our scene, we all still live off).

I do not need to say that these kind of moves are totally without honor and a punch directly into the face to every single onlinestore, coder and hacker, because he tried to force us like Sony did with graf_chokolo or others, he really did the same like our enemies but not like Microsoft or Sony did, his move has everything to not do with a correct fair reaction from an actual respected copyright holder like M$, Sony and Nintendo.

When someone like M$, Sony send the police ok, we didn't want it, but of course we have to deal with it, but when actual Modchipreseller and manufacturer sends the police, what did you think what kind of other shit he will also do?

Two middlefingers up from hitman43 / ModControl.com & CodeXecution.com to the Squirt360 leakers/liars (RGH2, Corona v1) with their shit!

Also greetings to: TX, TMT, XK3Y, COBRA, MAXIMUS and all others, sure, I didn't like every campaign or product from them but hey, I didn't need to buy them, thats exactly the same I told about Squirt but the difference is, non of the others send the police to my house, cause they accept that the fair business way!

**** Squirt, a real man does not talk with the police, a real man in the scene business does not work with the police, and a modchipmaker never sends the police to a store, that totally breaks the true scene etiquette and trust.

We here at X-S decided to get the other side of the story from Squirt360 team before posting the news, and here is their answer:

The fantasy in this world is endless!!!

First at all few little notes:

1- Markus wrote PROGSKEET but I think he mean SQUIRT TEAM .
2- Germany is one of the most active country again DRM devices, GaryOPA remembers the GRAF story, but alot of people remember the PS2 and PS3 actions in Germany that gave everyone alot of troubles on many famouse websites (Gamefreax, Freakware, Divineo), etc.

Markus runs one of the largest biggest forum sites 'ModControl' and make tons of modifications for some lucky reason never got a problem before.

Mr. Markus aka HITMAN is well know in germany, is the owner and admin of Modcontrol.com and many of our customers hate him because he is simply a CRAZY guy.

In the past months a smear campaign was done on Modcontrol.com again squirt team without any good reason... with personal insults posted public online.

We suggest you just use google GOOGLE LINK HERE and take a bit of time to read all the post from HITMAN43 to understand the person we are talking about.

The "war" again with Squirt was called "BLITZ KRIEG" (check his post HERE).

We sent him an EMAIL to stop writing attacks against Squirt, but he simply ignore our team and we don't have time and time to write posts to defend us, so we threatened legal action against him.

Finally he was caught by police 40 days ago... of course the PARANOID person he is thought that a modchip maker was the guilty partner of this story...

But maybe he forgots he lives in a country that is not BURUNDI but GERMANY and maybe to sell modchips with Codexecution.com is all safe in Germany... (but it is far from safe)

Everyone is free to think as they wish, but believe me this is only the "poor story of a paranoid man"...

So to summarize:


So there you have both sides, up to you to decide the truth between the lines from each party. -- Stay Tuned for more 'scene' drama!
