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View Full Version : Today's most progressive game video: Wii Component Cables 480i VS. 480p

January 13th, 2007, 16:05
via joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2007/01/13/todays-most-progressive-game-video-wii-component-cables-480i-v/)

Okay folks, it's laid out right here for you. If you got your grubby little hands on Wii, then maybe you've been wondering if the component cables really make a difference. Maybe you even blew off buying them, scoffing at the Wii and its low graphics capabilities when compared to the behemoth graphics on-board both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.

Well, look no further. This video after the jump clearly shows a pretty fair-sized gap between component and composite, so you might want to reconsider picking some up if you can find 'em. If you were wise and invested in a set of cable, then you can gloat silently in your wisdom. Now I just wish someone would design a website with photos and video of everything I want to buy, laid out comparison-wise. It sure would make the whole decision process a lot easier.


January 13th, 2007, 16:39
The Wii is just such a poor system. All the people i no that have a wii are afraid to touch the Xbox360 or PS3 because they will make the Wii look like crap. I mean sure, 480p will look better, but why don't u try it with an S-video cable instead. That's pretty what you'll get with a cheaper price.

January 13th, 2007, 16:50
I can't see any difference from that video, aside from a bit more brightness on one side. It is a video of someone's tv, after all. Most of the image gained from using component cables is lost through crappy recording. A useless vid.

January 13th, 2007, 17:14
well according to that vid, my composite cables do the job of component for me.

of course a badly configured tv and low quality video camera is never going to help is it..
i suppose to really see the difference, someone needs to do a direct feed from the tv.

January 13th, 2007, 19:00
The video is kinda pointless when they use such a low-quality, crappy site like Youtube to host it.

I just don't understand why people don't use better video sharing sites... Youtube has low-quality, less options, and slower speeds than other similar sites.

January 13th, 2007, 19:55
ok, if you want a proper comparison just to go

BEFORE you go, the images need to be messed about with ( try clicking a few times )

there really is a big difference... if you didnt see it then you need to try and click around on the image a bit more. (the black bits around the image work best)

or maybe that way just my browser :P lol.


January 13th, 2007, 20:59
There's no real way to show the difference on a 320x240 recording. This would have to be uploaded to a server in 480p for it to even make sense as a comparison.

January 14th, 2007, 06:03
Well I can tell you that the cables do make a very noticable difference on just my CRT tv so everyone having doubts over buying them shouldnt be.

January 14th, 2007, 12:38
im not having doubts... i just dont have a suitable tv...

January 14th, 2007, 19:12
It probably really depends on the TV, european Wiis run on a higher 576i, now if you have a good scaler unit you might even get worse image quality with 480p. On my 37 inch sharp aquos there is almost no difference between 560i and 480p, the colors are a little bit more intense but thats basically it. To the worse, once I switched to the component cables, the really old virtual console games did not work on my tv anymore, it seems that the signal sent by the old virtual console games makes the tvs internal scaler go haywire. So it really depends on the tv, for some, especially those who run at 480i and/or have a bad scaler (ad some tvs really have lousy ones) you might see a huge jump, on some tvs, you might not notice any difference at all.