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View Full Version : Wii Rainbow Six: Vegas Rumors Resurface

January 13th, 2007, 21:58
news via vggen (http://wii.vggen.com/news/news.php?id=3396)


You may recall that rumors ran rampant of a Wii port of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas in mid-2006, culminating in Ubisoft denying at the time that such a project existed.

Well, those rumors are back, this time fueled by listings for the game at Bart Smit (a Dutch retailer) and a number of other European retail websites. Not only do these listings for a Wii version suggest that the game is coming, but some even have boxart for the game (pictured). While the boxart could've easily been Photoshopped, in general major retailers don't usually show boxart for a game that hasn't been provided by the company itself. The listings also suggest that the game could be released as soon as the end of March.

So is it happening? Given the rumors last year (which started with a listing for the game on one of Ubisoft's websites), the retail listings now, and the commercial success (not so much critical) of fellow Ubisoft FPS Red Steel on Wii, it would seem like an official announcement could be just around the corner like a special ops soldier waiting to strike. Should it become official, we'll of course let you know.

January 14th, 2007, 01:52
Meh, if it isn't online they can stick it up their @sses!!

January 14th, 2007, 09:29
Online or not this is the sort of thing Nintendo need more of and I for one will be looking forward to it.

January 14th, 2007, 16:17
Meh, if it isn't online they can stick it up their @sses!!

Wow if I heard that a few years ago id be amazed, but these days online play seems mandatory.

I heart Nintendo
January 14th, 2007, 19:30
I hope this is on-line, otherwise I won't be buying it.

January 14th, 2007, 20:43
if anyone believes that pic is of real box art...your wrong

why would a games publisher be daft enough to not fit the name of the biggest contributer into the frame...
it wouldnt happen, not a name as big as that [for right or wrong...pop lit...]

..if im wrong i will post a formal apology...but this will only apply to the odd circumstance of the provided box-shot beig genuine...which it wont be...