View Full Version : The Futility of the Ongoing Piracy War

September 15th, 2012, 23:39
It seems like the news on everyone's favorite most resilient BitTorrent site (http://www.thepiratebay.se/) never ends, as we approach its ninth birthday in just a couple days. Google has even recently wiped TPB results from auto-complete searches (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57510052-93/google-wipes-pirate-bay-from-autocomplete-searches/). Last month Nick Bilton wrote a rather insightful piece in the NYT (also covered on Slashdot (http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/08/05/0422233/why-internet-pirates-always-win)), about 'Why Internet Pirates Always Win.' Read on, as I examine not only why he's right, but how piracy could be further curbed already.
