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View Full Version : I Shall Remain now makes a roar on Steam Greenlight!

September 20th, 2012, 14:31
At Midnight 17 September, the creators of ISR released their title onto Greenlight. With players in over 110 countries — along with several appearances on some serious game media outlets like Kotaku and Yogscast — I Shall Remain's producer, Jacob Way, knew it was time for his game to move from its humble start on Desura and make a charge at Steam's Greenlight platform (link:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=97402535&searchtext=). Within hours, ISR surpassed Greenlight's daily average vote tally threefold, and has been well on its way to the Top 100 list.

I Shall Remain is an action RPG that gives you the responsibility of a US Marine Raider who has awoken in a zombie infested world. The list of game features listed on the game's Greenlight page (link:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=97402535) is immense. It touts a complex in-game economy, fireteam creation and management, a powerful story, and a magnificent game map full of unique, explorable buildings to list a few. The creators of ISR also posted fresh video demonstrations and screenshots for the Greenlight crowd.

Steam Greenlight works by allowing players to vote for indie games they believe to be worthy of Steam's incredible distribution network. The games on Steam Greenlight today are on a race to the top and have until October 15 to make their statement. On 15 October, the names of the next 10 games to be brought onto Steam from Greenlight will be revealed.

Way attributes some of his game's success on Greenlight to its position on Greenlight's 'Newly Added' list where he believes his game competes very well with others released this month. Time on the newly-added list is limited though, and he says its important to make it to the top 100 list as soon as possible where ISR will have continued visibility.

"If you're not any of Greenlight's lists," Way says, "It's easy for your game to simply disappear." Way isn't worried though about ISR disappearing into the backlot of games that have languished on Greenlight. "Because of some hard work on our end and consistent feedback from players on how to make the game better, ISR is a game that speaks for itself and makes a strong position wherever its posted up."

I Shall Remain was created by Jacob Way, a Marine veteran out of Hawaii in memory of Cpl. Craig Hodges Jr. from Orlando Florida. It has a current build and free demo available on Desura.