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View Full Version : Legend of Zelda - Quest of Link Teaser Trailer

January 16th, 2007, 07:58
Zion's new project is coming along well it seems. After warm reception of his last Zelda fan game (Linkens Quest) Zion is happy to present the world his first trailer of his next game. Try to think of it as the spirtual succesor to Linkens Quest. :D


Here's what Zion said (http://www.youtube.com/v/EGaadGn9fA) over at his dev forums here on dcemu.

Note - This game isnt anywhere near finished, and everything contained in it could change in future versions, what is done though is done well , and while it may not be a lot, it shows the promise this game has....

Dont expect to be playing this for hours either i would imagine you would be bored after five minutes.

Consider this a tech demo, sort of like the game concept. Still i hope you will be suprised tho

Credit to PSPDemon for the great vid.

Edit: It appears many users are having trouble viewing the video. If your one of those users you can simply download the video here (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=14409&d=1168913160).

January 16th, 2007, 08:07
Zion, my good buddy. That looked awesome. Incredibly professional. Keep it coming dude.

January 16th, 2007, 08:10
Had a trouble with the video there. All's working now though. :D

I'm really looking forward to this game. Its amazing what Zion can do with LUA.

January 16th, 2007, 08:33
Wow it looks pretty much the same as Minish cap O-o

January 16th, 2007, 09:03
Trying your hand at film direction too, eh Zion! ;)

I can confirm the engine plays as good as it looks :D One to watch out for folks! :thumbup:

January 16th, 2007, 11:35
looks great :D

January 16th, 2007, 11:38
zion baby < (dats a guy who sings songs)
dawg, i liked the video. ill definately be playin the game, but now... i gotta go to skool, later!

January 16th, 2007, 12:53
nice zion! never doubted for a second :D

EDIT - The great guys over at www.pspfanboy.com are also covering the story !

January 16th, 2007, 13:25
damn, demon forgot to take a video of the menu too :p

oh well, i guess that suprise can be kept for later :D

January 16th, 2007, 13:26
Lookin' Snazy, Liking it already!!

January 16th, 2007, 13:55
Looks pretty good Zion!!
Keep up the good work.

January 16th, 2007, 14:15
I like the work but im not a zelda freak, i dont understand why you play these sort of games... dont you think its boring, just the same as FF... i was playing that about 6 years ago, thats basicly the same as a new color tv coming out and you still watching a black and white one.

January 16th, 2007, 15:00
Zion, if Nintendo starts bribe'n you, i wouldn't be surprised.

good god this looks amazing

January 16th, 2007, 16:15
Looks nice, you shoulda used the GIF prx to record :P

dont like the look of the shifting from frame to frame thats LUA for you XD
it looks very well coded though... bobbing head sprite :D and the minish cap sprites look nice on a PSP screen

but i cant wait to play this game, i dont think im helping anymore?

I like the work but im not a zelda freak, i dont understand why you play these sort of games... dont you think its boring, just the same as FF... i was playing that about 6 years ago, thats basicly the same as a new color tv coming out and you still watching a black and white one.

Your a n00b

January 16th, 2007, 16:34
Your a n00b

Your a stupid zelda and FF freak... You realy need a better life.

January 16th, 2007, 16:36
wait didnt zion say he wasnt gonna release screens like yesterday? haha oh well i guess technically these arent screens...

January 16th, 2007, 16:38
Im shocked and proud at the same time :thumbup:
Awesome stuff bro :cool:

Anonymous D
January 16th, 2007, 16:47
nice work, finally a decent homebrew game with length! and to answer the previous quiere, why are people still playing these games? Because they rock and this one will to.

January 16th, 2007, 17:34
nice work, finally a decent homebrew game with length! and to answer the previous quiere, why are people still playing these games? Because they rock and this one will to.

Have you ever herd of Day Of Defeat Sorce or Half Life Episode 2... Those are realistic games, unless your 10 yrs old you shouldn't be STILL PLAYING THESE GAMES

January 16th, 2007, 17:38
wow looks as good as a GBA game.

this is going to be huge hope he does well with this.

if people enjoy playing games like this then leave them alone.
why do people always have to judge!!!

It doesnt matter how old you are you can still enjoy games does it matter if its realistic or not?
People who are going to mock other people but have the time to look at the video are the sad ones just stick to what you like theirs no need to abuse others.

January 16th, 2007, 17:57
Theres some spelling mistakes in that video...

January 16th, 2007, 18:12
I gotta say..this is some awesome work Zion..keep it up! :thumbup:

January 16th, 2007, 18:20
Have you ever herd of Day Of Defeat Sorce or Half Life Episode 2... Those are realistic games, unless your 10 yrs old you shouldn't be STILL PLAYING THESE GAMES

Not DoD but HL2 and Counter Strike source, might get DoD.

GMod is the best of them all.
You prob dont know what that is you being a n00b an all.

January 16th, 2007, 18:45
to pt9087 :

If you dont like these sort of games, thats fine.

but please dont ruin my thread by starting a huge debate about what games should or should not be played, it will result in a flamewar which i do not want.

to everyone else, Thanks :D

Shame demon forgot to inculde the menu in that video as well :( might get him to make it again :D

Cap'n 1time
January 16th, 2007, 18:49
I can understand why you fear the C & D :)
Looks like its official.

January 16th, 2007, 19:06
This looks really promising!

If you want a free art director just contact me.

January 16th, 2007, 19:45
Haha seamus... Blow me! im not trying to argue with anyone im am just stating that it is not 1992 anymore.

January 16th, 2007, 19:54
Haha seamus... Blow me! im not trying to argue with anyone im am just stating that it is not 1992 anymore.

it doesnt matter, why don't you put the time in to code a game and see how much you like it if people say

wow, were not in the 90's, this game is way to old looking and a bit childish. Make a 3d game.

Now thats highly uncool!

at any rate, ey zion im trying to get collision in my game now. Its a bit hard without mexican snake at my side but im doing my best.:o , i think its time for people to see some sora adventure progrees. Il have a video up soon! :p :D

Gold Line
January 16th, 2007, 20:00
best ever can not wait for this but it would have bin nice to see the menu

Cap'n 1time
January 16th, 2007, 20:11
Haha seamus... Blow me! im not trying to argue with anyone im am just stating that it is not 1992 anymore.

Playing mature-rated video games does not make you mature.

Just because your little buddies think its only cool to play Mature, realistic video games dose not mean there is anything wrong with the classics, or new projects inspired by the classics.

Also an apology you owe seamus an apology. You don't have to, but it would surely make you look alot better. (right now you seem like a whiny dolt who thinks the world revolves around him). Its not too late for you.

January 16th, 2007, 20:14
arghh, comon guys , please keep this on topic....

i mean it if that guy posts anything again to derail this i will be pissed off.....

my threads never stay on topic and for once it would be nice if this one did

January 16th, 2007, 20:45
Playing mature-rated video games does not make you mature.

Just because your little buddies think its only cool to play Mature, realistic video games dose not mean there is anything wrong with the classics, or new projects inspired by the classics.

Also an apology you owe seamus an apology. You don't have to, but it would surely make you look alot better. (right now you seem like a whiny dolt who thinks the world revolves around him). Its not too late for you.

For what may i ask

January 16th, 2007, 20:50
right thats it :mad: warned :mad:

Reason - continually derailing the thread despite being asked politly to stop it

January 16th, 2007, 21:13
Great work Zion. Did you ever get a replacement PSP unit?

January 16th, 2007, 21:30
All right I temp banned the little guy. He's obviously to immature to understand what he did wrong.

Lets get this discussion back on track :D

January 16th, 2007, 21:35
I somehow guessed pt9087 would get banned for a time. Anyway, that video clip was good to see. I'd love to play that new game when it's finished. Keep up the good work, Zion!

January 16th, 2007, 21:49
thanks guys and no i still havnt got/money/recieved any psp yet :( *Sigh*

January 17th, 2007, 00:01
hahaha fake, fake!, fake!!!!!!!! fakeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I have legend of zelda minish cap and th house and the outside of the house is exactly the same, it's a rom on a GBA emulator or GBA!!!! I know it!!!! I have the ****ing game!!!! Fake!!!! OMG distortion of reality and... FAKE!!!! you disgrace the homebrew scene Zion!!!! People, download now the legend of zelda minish cap rom and play it and you will see the house is exactly the same with the same character and same animation and same screens and samen outside world when you exit the house and FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a FAKE!!!!!!!! Zion is a FAKE!!!!!!!! Zion is a bitch cause he is posting a FAKE!!!! This is FAKE!!! This is minish cap, not your game!!!! FAKE!!!!!

January 17th, 2007, 00:04
OMG plz everyone trust me, download the legend of zelda minish cap and play it and you see it's the same from the stating of the game!!! He videotaped legend ofzelda minish cap gameplay and now he wants to take credit saying that'sthe game he's making?!?!?!? FAKE!!!! Plz download the rom and when you all discovere this is a fake forgive my double post and my overexxageration of the matter!!! FAKE!!!

January 17th, 2007, 00:04
Ok....you are about to feel stupid cause he is using the official gfx from that game:p immature retard..

January 17th, 2007, 00:07
hahaha fake, fake!, fake!!!!!!!! fakeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I have legend of zelda minish cap and th house and the outside of the house is exactly the same, it's a rom on a GBA emulator or GBA!!!! I know it!!!! I have the ****ing game!!!! Fake!!!! OMG distortion of reality and... FAKE!!!! you disgrace the homebrew scene Zion!!!! People, download now the legend of zelda minish cap rom and play it and you will see the house is exactly the same with the same character and same animation and same screens and samen outside world when you exit the house and FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a FAKE!!!!!!!! Zion is a FAKE!!!!!!!! Zion is a bitch cause he is posting a FAKE!!!! This is FAKE!!! This is minish cap, not your game!!!! FAKE!!!!!

yea your definitly banned bro, he just has the same sprites as the minish cap. Grow up. Please do not rant if you do not understand things. Anyone else want to join em. Im quite upset with how things have been as of late and i will not tolerate insuborbination. Everyone behave.

January 17th, 2007, 00:37
to metal spector, you are a loser.

true im using minish cap sprites. music too.

and its more or less a identical clone of it at the minute .

so what i cloned it....its not imposible to do.

i realised that after i released the video that people would just think i was recording minish cap, but i swear i didnt.

sigh i wonder why i bother sometimes :(

January 17th, 2007, 00:41
the lack of respect in the PSP scene recently never fails to stun me

January 17th, 2007, 00:58
All right I temp banned the little guy. He's obviously to immature to understand what he did wrong.

Lets get this discussion back on track :D

Yer i forgot to mention... i have a few acounts. well its only for 7 days so i will do my time.:thumbup:

Ok this is the last of it.
i win lol

January 17th, 2007, 01:02
oh really? well as my last act as a mod i will show you who wins

January 17th, 2007, 01:09
seeing as how this thread has become a mess i take it apon myself to lock this thread. As its becoming a utter Flame war and flame breeding ground!

I am deeply disgusted by many actions that users have takin part in today and im truly upset. Users must become more mature and be curtious to other users.



opened at the request of zion. Please stop the flaming users! if it starts up again the thread will be locked.

January 17th, 2007, 01:36
Wow what the hell went on in here?


i dont like the gba zelda games, aka im not really a fan of how they play

but still, zelda is so damn cool cuz u get to use a sword

what would be awsome is that we have a dev who can add weapons and upgrades to the game, in itself pretty cool!

maybe as a bonus special we could as a sniper rifle lol!

keep going zion yay!

and just to point this out :p dont angry guntims


Is spelled


great job zion dude!

January 17th, 2007, 01:37
sigh i wonder why i bother sometimes I know what you mean buddy....

I think this is the begging of the end for the PSP homebrew scene sure its been getting tons of updates lately but...I feel some of the users do not fully appreciate what they are given and free of charge. How would you feel if you used all your free time, poured your sweat and tears on games for people to enjoy and instead....just constant flaming from some very immature members....

January 17th, 2007, 01:42
I know what you mean buddy....

I think this is the begging of the end for the PSP homebrew scene sure its been getting tons of updates lately but...I feel some of the users do not fully appreciate what they are given and free of charge. How would you feel if you used all your free time, poured your sweat and tears on games for people to enjoy and instead....just constant flaming from some very immature members....

im sorry to say this really but zion u cant let some weak words get to you, i mean it just like two retards

trust me do you want RETARDS playing ure game? lol

if such crooked words can hurt you, then why do you bother?

you dont need to bother, as they are just words

say to youreself i bother because i damn want to so SHUDDUP FOOS!

just saying keep going zion you do this cuz you like to release it to people like us

so keep going! yeah zion!

January 17th, 2007, 01:48
thanks you too :D

and dont worry i wont quit on you guys, i can say one thing though, those flaming *******s at qj are not getting there hands on the final product.

the registered users will as everyone in the forums there was lovely to me and stuck up for me aswell, but thats not going on the "qj front page of flames" tho no way, if i wanted to see immature kids insult me i would just go to a primary school playground :rofl:

January 17th, 2007, 02:01
thanks you too :D

and dont worry i wont quit on you guys, i can say one thing though, those flaming *******s at qj are not getting there hands on the final product.

the registered users will as everyone in the forums there was lovely to me and stuck up for me aswell, but thats not going on the "qj front page of flames" tho no way, if i wanted to see immature kids insult me i would just go to a primary school playground :rofl:

thats the spirit!

January 17th, 2007, 04:55
if i wanted to see immature kids insult me i would just go to a primary school playground :rofl:
I wouldn't do that if i wheer you..it can get pretty nasty...not that i know >.>

January 17th, 2007, 05:06
at first i thought this was minish cap but damn if that isn't the best homebrew game i have ever seen

January 17th, 2007, 08:45
A highly anticipated home brew release thats looking more like an essential must-have commercial game!

This is going to be very tasty indeed! :)

January 17th, 2007, 09:01
Wow, I came home from work to read a flame-fest! DCEmu is getting as bad as some other sites for flaming. I used to enjoy coming to this site to read and comment on PSP and other console news without getting flamed. I can't do that anymore. Damn shame.

January 17th, 2007, 13:20
Have you ever herd of Day Of Defeat Sorce or Half Life Episode 2... Those are realistic games, unless your 10 yrs old you shouldn't be STILL PLAYING THESE GAMES

Im still a huge fan of Manic Miner from 1983 myself... :rolleyes: Your pretty little games are OK but I never find they have much replay value :(

im am just stating that it is not 1992 anymore.

1992... Im guessing that was 10 years before you were born? :rolleyes:

If we all hold hands and pray folks maybe we can make him swallow his tongue! :D

hahaha fake, fake!, fake!!!!!!!! fakeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I have legend of zelda minish cap and th house and the outside of the house is exactly the same, it's a rom on a GBA emulator or GBA!!!! I know it!!!! I have the ****ing game!!!! Fake!!!! OMG distortion of reality and... FAKE!!!! you disgrace the homebrew scene Zion!!!! People, download now the legend of zelda minish cap rom and play it and you will see the house is exactly the same with the same character and same animation and same screens and samen outside world when you exit the house and FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a FAKE!!!!!!!! Zion is a FAKE!!!!!!!! Zion is a bitch cause he is posting a FAKE!!!! This is FAKE!!! This is minish cap, not your game!!!! FAKE!!!!!

Having played the eboot on my PSP I have to say, with great authority, that, you sir, are a dick :rolleyes:

the lack of respect in the PSP scene recently never fails to stun me

It was never like this at the start... Its sad that when a scene gets big it seems to attract losers :(

if i wanted to see immature kids insult me i would just go to a primary school playground :rofl:

ZION! - If you want immature insults please come to me first! ;) You know Im good for 'em! :D

Wow, I came home from work to read a flame-fest! DCEmu is getting as bad as some other sites for flaming. I used to enjoy coming to this site to read and comment on PSP and other console news without getting flamed. I can't do that anymore. Damn shame.

Thats why most of us are going elsewhere these days... :( It used to be a nice place to be....

This game will be great :thumbup: Its playing fantastically well already, the menu looks great (because I had a hand in it! ;) ) and the music is perfect :D

Doubters can just zip it and watch this space! :cool:

January 17th, 2007, 13:28
mr nick knows his stuff :p

January 17th, 2007, 13:55
As you say Nick, It definitly appears like any self / coder respecting users are packing their stuff and heading elsewhere. shame it has come to this because of a bunch of flaming idiots.
BTW, Zionmax server still down :(

January 17th, 2007, 14:35
Mr Nick, the king of the one-line insults!!
Zion, please don't let you talent go to waste by giving in to these idiots.
And sort out your Zionmax server!