View Full Version : Help the sweetest hero ever not to end up melted into lemonade!

September 24th, 2012, 17:37
The studio A Crowd of Monsters teams up with Bulky Pix to release Sugar Kid on the App Store the 4th of October. You won't any more throw sugar cubes in your cofee with no remorse.

Sugar Kid has taken over Mr. Lemon’s throne to overthrow his tyrannical reign. But the evilish Mr. Lemon hasn't said his final word and has elaborated a cruel scheme to take his revenge on Sugar Kid. He managed to lock the sweet cube in a special water machine in order to break him apart and melt him in unspeakable suffering!

That's where you come in!

Use your reflexes and logic to draw walls and barriers to protect Sugar Kid from watter, soda and lemon juice. Thanks to a large range of items and power-ups assiste Sugar Kid through more than 90 levels.

Beware Mr. Lemon’s attacks or your sweet hero might well loose his limbs and ends up in a bloodbath!

Watch the teaser video here (http://bulkypix.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=002140d443606c6c87d9140b6&id=eef45e084f&e=aec2cb834b)

Release date: October 4th
Price: $0.99


- Over 90 funny levels and as much ways to protect Sugar Kid from breaking apart or melting

- 3 different in game modes : Levels, Survival and Deadly Missions.

- Cartoonish and sweet graphics so that you feel even more guilty when you loose!

- Cruely humoristic game.

- lots of epic funny costumes. Sugar Kid is one of its kind in the sugar box!

- Bloody content (Optional).