View Full Version : Announcing "Installer"

January 16th, 2007, 16:51
Its been a while since I've done shit. I don't do much at all, I never have. I can't code for crap, LUA bothers me, and I'm sick of trying to get the toolchain to work. Thats why I am making this...

All the time I get people asking me how to do stuff. I see guides all over the place, so I redirect them there. They still don't get it. People ask for downloads, and links, and firmwares, and this and that and this and that. So I'm going to help you all out. I am putting together somthing fantastic as we speak.

I have been collecting files for weeks now in preparation for this. So far, its not enough. Most files I can find, some I can not. If anyone would like to help me out with collecting files, that would be greatly appreciated. If you could, upload some hard to find homebrew or files to this topic.

Now, here is some more info to this "Installer"...

The name of the project is Installer

It is not going to be a normal installer. You will see what I mean once I release it.

It will be housing every emulator, app, custom firmware, devhook, etc. ever released.

It will not only provide the files, but tutorials as well.

It is far from done, I would place it at around 2% give or take.

Testers and helpers are needed, so hit me up on msn or aim if you want to help.

Currently, I am the only one working on Installer.

And to leave you guys with somthing, here is the first screenshot...


January 16th, 2007, 17:09
What do you find that bothers you in Lua

January 16th, 2007, 17:10
I just don't like it very much.

January 16th, 2007, 22:23

Wow o_o

January 19th, 2007, 04:51
Make sure you get permissions...