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View Full Version : Brazilian Judge Orders 24-hour Shutdown of Google and Youtube

September 26th, 2012, 13:25
Judge Flavio Peren of Mato Grosso do Sul state in Brazil has ordered the arrest (http://www.volokh.com/2012/09/25/brazilian-judges-orders-arrest-of-google-brazil-president-24-hour-suspension-of-google-and-youtube/) of the President of Google Brazil, as well as the 24-hour shutdown of Google and Youtube (http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/judge-orders-arrest-of-president-of-googles-operation-in-brazil/2012/09/25/ae560608-072f-11e2-9eea-333857f6a7bd_story.html) for not removing videos attacking a mayoral candidate. Google is appealing, but has recently also faced ordered fines of $500K/day in Parana and the ordered arrest of another executive in Paraiba in similar cases."Early reports indicated that the judge also ordered the arrest of the Google Brazil President, but the story when this was written is that the police haven't received any such order (and an earlier such order was overuled recently). The video is in violation of their pre-election laws.
