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View Full Version : Games Rating Authority website is now live.

October 1st, 2012, 15:55
The Games Rating Authority (GRA), the UK statutory rating arm of the Video Standards Council (VSC), today announced that its website is now live.

The website is particularly aimed at those consumers who want a better understanding of how video games are rated and what content issues affect the rating of a game. The GRA believes that the site will be of special interest to parents and carers who want information about video games in an easily digestible form.

Of particular note is the introduction of Additional Consumer Information (ACI). Using the search facility, a consumer can look for a particular game and see what the game contains and why it got the rating it did.

Designed to supplement the PEGI pictorial descriptors, the ACI is presented in text form and describes, in brief, what the game is about, but more importantly, also details the strength and frequency of a specific ratings issue in an easy to read format. The ACI is limited to games rated PEGI 12 and above and only covers games released since March 2012. The aim of the ACI is to provide consumers with sufficient information in order to make informed purchasing decisions.
The GRA website can be accessed at <gp_link type="http" loc="//www.gamesratingauthority.org">www.gamesratingauthority.org</gp_link> (http://www.gamesratingauthority.org/)