View Full Version : PAlib 070118 : New beta !!

January 18th, 2007, 23:29
New release of PALib from Mollusk (http://palib.info/forum/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2188&post_id=13809#forumpost13809)

It's been a while since I hadn't updated PAlib

I attached to the message the changelog since the latest official release, lots of stuff !

Please backup your PAlib directory and projects, erase and do a perfectly clean install...
You'll also need to update your project makefiles, just take any makefile (PAlibExamples or Template).
The doc hasn't been updated yet because I still don't have a working copy of Doxygen on my computer, but the new functions have been documented in PAlib so as soon as I reinstall the right version I'll update the whole thing...

This version DOES NOT contain the FATlib, still waiting for the ne< devkitpro release... It is easy to add it manually to any project...

It is highly untested, some of the changes have been done a few weeks ago so I might have broken stuff and not seen it

Installer, Zip, and 7z are downloadable here : http://palib.info/forum/modules/PDdownloads/viewcat.php?cid=3

Here's the changelog since the last beta :


New Stuff

[RotMaps] Added PA_SetRotMapTile(u8 screen, u8 bg_select, s16 x, s16 y, u8 tile_number) and PA_GetRotMapTile(u8 screen, u8 bg_select, s16 x, s16 y), using gmiller's code...

[CustomFonts] Added PA_16cCustomFont(slot, fontname) and PA_8bitCustomFont(slot, fontname) and the examples to go with it... Wiki will be updated soon with the instructions. Requires the latest PAGfx version... PAGfx has been updated too, to do the conversion...

[DSMotion] Official DSMotion code added !!! Check the Input examples to see how it works (init/getting the data). Has 2 different ways of playing with it : either get the raw values and use that, or transform the data into Pad.Held.Up/etc data

[DSMotion] Added MotionDraw, a simple demo...

[Keyboard] Added PA_InitCustomKeyboard(bg_number, keyb_custom) to load custom keyboards (use instead of PA_InitKeyboard), and the example to go with it... Custom keyboards are 256 colors and should be converted as EasyBg...

Updated Stuff

[Gif] Added PA_LoadGifXY, to load gifs to a specific part of the screen . Updated the gif examples to work with it...

[GetSpritePixel] Added PA_GetSprite16cPixel, for 16 color sprites, and an example to go with it...

[Makefile] Makefiles updated, please copy one of the example/template makefiles and paste in your project. Includes the sound padding correction and includes the libwifi

Things Fixed

[Warnings] Fixed the FD_SETSIZE warnings

[TextColors] TEXT_BLUE and TEXT_GREEN were inverted

[Reco] Fixed upper screen mess-up when using the recognition system

[SpriteAnims] Fixed first frame not showing when starting a new animation...