View Full Version : NO$GBA (DS Emulator for the PSP)

January 19th, 2007, 16:29
I'm not sure there's a source code, but would there be a way of porting the new iDeas emulator or the new NO$GBA one?
How cool could have it been to emulate the DS on the PSP? :rofl: What an irony. But I think it'll happen in the future.

January 19th, 2007, 16:32
No. there's not source and they are still working on the emulator for PC.

January 19th, 2007, 18:37
yes there is a working ds emu (slow, and freezes a lot) and i tried, and no, it wont work with the current source code that is out to code on the psp......

January 20th, 2007, 17:53
There will NEVER be a good working DS emulator for the PSP, period, end of story, even the day they work OK on PCs. The DS is too advanced (we barely have perfect GBA and the DS is GBA + lots-a-stuff).

January 20th, 2007, 20:35
The PC hardly emulates an NDS rom, how can the PSP do it?

Besides, lack of 2 screens, touchpad. Even if emulated, wouldn't be as fun as playing on the NDS itself.

January 21st, 2007, 00:30
i guess no one wants to try my port of dsmume then :rolleyes: :rofl:

January 21st, 2007, 01:29
i guess no one wants to try my port of dsmume then :rolleyes: :rofl:

No, since it's in your dreams

January 21st, 2007, 01:34
No, since it's in your dreams

Dont be so sure :eek:

January 21st, 2007, 02:07
it'll be nice if it wasn't a dream :D

January 21st, 2007, 19:57
first start with n64 emu. gba is fine as of now

January 22nd, 2007, 14:48
Never will happen. Get a DS if you want to play DS games. That little machine is on par with PSP on quality and performance...some might even say it's better.(my bipolar personality for example ;)) I already own one and it rocks...not as much as PSP homebrew, but the games are slightly better.

So get a DS....this has been discussed a trillion times before and it will never happen...Get a DS... end of story.

February 28th, 2007, 05:33
Dont be so sure :eek:

Ehem well... Zion... The pc can hardly emulate some and just few commercial roms of the ds... Well since the psp isnt that "POWERFUL" I think that is not possible to make a ds emulator. But if you have that emulator I bet a million bucks that it just runs a black screen (or something like that) and its hell slow. And it never and I say never will be playable on a psp.

I cant wait to play pokemon diamond on the pc btw:) . I liked that games when I was a kid... sigh what a nostalgic times...

February 28th, 2007, 15:21
The pc can hardly emulate some and just few commercial roms of the ds...

you can play most of the commercial games with normal speed with no$gba

April 5th, 2007, 02:04
yea but ant the N64 better than the ds? and we emulated that! its possible but it wont happen for another 2 years or so... the screens on one screen would be crap but if you made oh say the home button switch screens it may be allright i guess... after all emulating only half a screen is good right?

April 14th, 2007, 22:35
you can play most of the commercial games with normal speed with no$gba

Realy? :eek:

Where? How? When?


Please send a PM or a tuto that teaches me ^^

April 14th, 2007, 22:38

April 15th, 2007, 01:29
There will NEVER be a good working DS emulator for the PSP, period, end of story, even the day they work OK on PCs. The DS is too advanced (we barely have perfect GBA and the DS is GBA + lots-a-stuff).

By no means would I call it "barely" perfect. Although you are probably correct, some to most DS games may not perform well, I don't doubt that it is very possible to make a working DS emulator for PSP. Simply because it isn't good, yet, for the PC doesn't mean it can't run on the PSP. It means they haven't finished working on it.

Bottom line: Its possible. Not really to run full speed( as far as I know), but VERY possible. Initiative is what is needed, as many said the n64 would NEVER be possible, period.

Warioware touched runs smoothly on iDeAs, but with minor textural errors. The DS is a little monster though, its powerful. :)

The King
April 15th, 2007, 02:46
yo never say never
it could be posible for the psp to emut a ds so never say never

April 15th, 2007, 02:47
DS emulater for the PSP? how would you use the touch screen?

April 15th, 2007, 18:06
Touch Screen?
Like this:

[TELA = SCREEN][TAMANHO = SIZE] (It's portuguese ^^)


It's possible ^^

April 16th, 2007, 00:38

Isnt there something you people don't want emulated

Dont waste the dev's time.

If I had it my way this topic would have been locked ages ago :/

April 16th, 2007, 00:41
if this does come to be, nintendo wont be happy with it if they were to find out about it - nobody would get a DS anymore. :eek:
sony probely wouldnt mind that at all though.

April 16th, 2007, 00:43
i don't think a DS emu would be very practical considering there's no touch

April 17th, 2007, 14:15
Touch Screen?
Like this:

[TELA = SCREEN][TAMANHO = SIZE] (It's portuguese ^^)


It's possible ^^

It's not a question of screen-size, and not a thing about emulation power... It's about touch screen!

What would be a DS without Touch Screen? Nothing.

Now how do you want to play games that REQUIRE touch screen, like Trauma Center? And the 95% of the DS games REQUIRE Touch Screen play.

Ok, now even thinking about creating a cursor (like the emulators on the PC, the touch is emulated by the mouse, and it really sucks) and emulating the touch screen like the PC emulators, it would suck anyway.
Not even thinking about games that use the two screens like a big single vertical screen. Having them put side-to-side would ruin the entire game.

So, get over it, no DS emulation on PSP, and probably, no decent DS emulation on PC.

Try to play Kirby's Powerbrush. It requires fast stylus movements. Even with a mouse, on a PC emulator, you could not possibly do that fast movements like a DS Touch Screen could.

State this fact: DS will ever and only be emulated like crap.

April 17th, 2007, 15:01
While I must insist that it is certainly not impossible to emulate a DS on a PSP, I have to agree that it would impractical and pointless.

It would however, be impossible to emulate a PSP on a DS... :P

April 22nd, 2007, 20:03
It would however, be impossible to emulate a PSP on a DS... :P

Yeah, but who needs PSP games when you have a DS? :D

I play only 2 or 3 (Innocent Life and FF:AE, just to name some) games on PSP, and I have MOSTLY bought it for homebrew.
For fun games, there's my DS :D

April 23rd, 2007, 18:37
I don't know - I just couldn't give-up the PSP's graphical superiority, and I certainly wouldn't carry two handhelds on me anywhere (my pockets are stuffed full of junk as it is).

I know it may be missing the point a bit, but Homebrew is my reason for loving the PSP, where before it served as merely a curious distraction. Despite many virtues and convenience of design, the DS just isn't my thang. I still have a 30GB Zen Xtra (about the size of a late walkman) where everyone I know has an MP3 player the size of a match-box.

Why? Because it suits me, and it still has unbeaten sound quality, despite a total lack of superficial functionality.

It's all a matter of taste, innit'? =D

April 23rd, 2007, 22:02
I don't think you could have a PSP emu on the DS, consideering the dual ARMs add up to near 100Mhz or so... and the PSP is like 300Mhz or 600Mhz or something... gotta check that out...

April 23rd, 2007, 23:26
This thread is about a real DS emulator for PC, not dreams about DS on PSP. Please back on topic.

April 24th, 2007, 13:23
This thread is about a real DS emulator for PC, not dreams about DS on PSP. Please back on topic.

The topic is port DS emulator to psp ,not pc, please read the topic

April 24th, 2007, 13:25
Please please please can someone lock this :(

April 24th, 2007, 13:40
i don get this thread.....
kinda complicated

June 12th, 2007, 05:21
If we had DS emulation on the PSP, the only good game would be Pokemon D/P considering it doesnt need the touch screen very much. The only thing we would have trouble with is getting the pokeball to work at the beginning of the game:p

June 12th, 2007, 11:37
I'm not flaming here, but why-oh-why are there so many calls to get this thread locked, and so many flamers misreading other's posts and whining about them?

I've actually found one or two interesting viewpoints in this thread, and I think the topic is fairly worthy of conversation (however pointless some may consider it).

Of course, there are many threads like this one... but part of the reason is the constant crying, b**ching about locking, and fanboy rants leading to the disruption of otherwise intelligent discussion.

If it wasn't for several "lock this" and "u sux coz u luv PSP/DS" posts, a thread such as this might qualify as having content with some intellectual value.

If you don't like this thread, stop calling for it to be locked (as well it may be, soon enough) and just stay away from it. You'll find there's medication and effective treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, so if you really can't stay out of a conversation that you disagree with, and really can't help disrupting what is otherwise a sensible discussion on a topic that you can't be rational about, then seek help - go see a therapist or something!

On the topic again, I think it would be pointless anyway - the games on each device are pretty different; they appeal to different sorts of gamers, and while there is some overlap in genres, technical limitations (lack of touch-screen) make DS games impractical on a PSP, and technological limitations lead to the failure of highly-graphical ports to the DS (look at Burnout on the DS, for instance).

My argument however was that while DS emulation would be clunky, awkward, impractical (and somewhat pointless) on the PSP (but actually possible), PSP emulation on the DS would be entirely impossible.

Either way, I doubt either device's primary target groups would really give a damn (depite the obvious passions provoked by the merest mention), thereby rendering the entire debate redundant...

...and while it may seem that I'm agreeing with those who call for this thread to be locked, this is not the case. In fact, if it wasn't for seemingly pointless discussions, investigations, and experimentation, we'd all still be living in caves!

In the end, not all that's seemingly meaningless is without value to anyone.

June 13th, 2007, 09:44
It's not going to be possible because no coders would waste their time doing this. Just use the emu on your pc and if you can't use the emu, GET A BETTER PC.

June 13th, 2007, 22:29
Besides, it's not open source.