View Full Version : Japanese hardware sales, 8 Jan - 14 Jan

January 20th, 2007, 10:07
Heres the charts we posted a summary of yesterday:

- Wii: 93,708
- DS Lite: 89,287
- PSP: 48,804
- PS3: 25,531
- PS2: 22,663
- Xbox 360: 9,035
- Game Boy Micro: 1,959
- GBA SP: 1,547
- Gamecube: 611
- GBA: 79
- DS Phat: 41

The only upward mover in sales was the old GBA everyone else took a nosedive, nice to see the Wii giving the DS lite a kicking this week too.

January 20th, 2007, 19:11
I'm still trying to figure out how they are still selling DS Lites like that... surely everyone in Japan now has 2 of them :p

January 21st, 2007, 20:43
360 sadly back to usual shit sales. haha ps3. well done wii.

January 21st, 2007, 22:30
Heres the charts we posted a summary of yesterday:

- Wii: 93,708
- DS Lite: 89,287
- PSP: 48,804
- PS3: 25,531
- PS2: 22,663
- Xbox 360: 9,035
- Game Boy Micro: 1,959
- GBA SP: 1,547
- Gamecube: 611
- GBA: 79
- DS Phat: 41

The only upward mover in sales was the old GBA everyone else took a nosedive, nice to see the Wii giving the DS lite a kicking this week too.

- Wii: 93,708 cause it's the best games console ever!!!

- DS Lite: 89,287 4421 less than the Wii, which is'nt bad. just shows that Nintendo are currently on top of the market, and in good form!

- PSP: 48,804 40483 less than the DS Lite, PSP has lost it's overall appeal

- PS3: 25,531 PS3 is a pile of sh!t, and if it is'nt selling well in Japan that is clearly saying something [[AVOID]]

- PS2: 22,663 2868 less than the PS3, why??? everyone already has 2 of these, well 4 in my case since I now have my girlfriends!

- Xbox 360: 9,035 hmmmm, it's better than the PS3 in so many ways thou!

- Game Boy Micro: 1,959 lmao, it's small and crappy

- GBA SP: 1,547 most've these are probably for playing with GameCube

- Gamecube: 611 good to see that the GameCube still sells if not many

- GBA: 79 79??? is that even worth mentioning? there must be some (79) very poor Japaneese kids! lol

- DS Phat: 41 well it's still a DS, so 89,328 for DS